I re opened tinder again after some time, and Ive noticed that a lot of women focus on height, most of them ask the guy to be taller than 1.80m, lol what a fucking joke.
If a man asks for a thin/fit woman, all the bitches attack him calling him names, sexist etc etc, but when a woman asks for a tall dude, everything is fine and its socially acceptable, you dig my point? It annoys me, and Im almost 2 meters tall, the hypocrisy of them bitches, wow.
Also, one other thing I came to realise about cat calling and compliments to random women is that real problem is WHO is doing the catcalling and WHO is offering the compliment, not the catcalling and the compliment.
If an average man offers a compliment, he is a creep, if a handsome muscled dude does it, its all good.
I am trying really hard to not be a sexist, but god damn them fucking bitches arent helping.
Also, yesterday I fucked a 19yo slut full of daddy issues.