Thats pretty solid, i don't live that far from there, should i apply for you Torben??

EDIT: It's also readable in swedish
https://www.abundle of sticks
EDIT2: For some reason censorship on CRPG forums have hit my link... xD
Remove the four "@ " to get the link...
https://www.aftonblad@ yheter/a/JP@ LMJ/anstaller-person--for-att-inte-g@ ora-nagot
EDIT3: At fifteen, I had the will to learn ; at thirty, I could stand ; at forty, I had no doubts ; at fifty, I understood the heavenly Bidding ; at sixty, my ears were opened ; at seventy, I could do as my heart lusted without trespassing from the square. FU
EDIT4: I feel oppressed!
EDIT5: Now that we are at it, enjoy a good video