When people say traps are gay, are they considering the fact, that the definition of a trap excludes the necessity of a homosexual orientation?
I mean I have seen some traps, some I didnt know they are traps at first but had to experience it myself to figure out. I also have to say they are nice and most of them really are cute. Can you resist? This is some of the best things social media has brought to daylight, I dont see any reason to bash on traps all the time since they actually are very smart and cute as hell. I am currently trying to get as many cute traps into my instagram following as possible since it enhances the average discussion quality below my posts. A political and LGBTQP++ discussion without the input of a trap cannot exceed the quality of one without the opinion of a trap. Fact.
I would consider a new hashtag to be introduced at our social medias we use like twitter and instagram (no facebook they do support Coca Colas water mining and take away living room for animals"!!!) to make sure the normal white heterosexual males out there educate themself more about the various genders and life styles the people of our all neighbour hood do partially secretly act out. This way we can make sure we can raise awareness of the ultimate fact, that traps are not necessarily gay and can easily be hetero, trans, queer or non-binary (or combined!!) at the same time too!!!!
Thanks for your time, have a good day and vote for democrats (Team Hillary!!!) !!