3 days left to the final battle with Castle Black.My mage army is not duly equipped nor it is trained to fight with huge army of ghouls.I am anxious,trying to think of a plan in front of the map in my warroom.I am confused,the mage girls drained all my energy last night,i am trying to come up with a plan but can't.Oracles came in to the room and told me that either i am going to lose this battle and forfeit the castle,or a hero will come up and save me.I see there is no point in making plans now,i must find the hero that will save me,my warlords judge me for trusting the oracle.They say we should be preparing for the battle nonetheless.I,archmage of castle white left the warroom,now going back and forth thinking how can i survive a ghoul army that triple the size of my army.