Yeah nice job san; fuck Tristan, Jona, XyNoX, Thryn, myself and Yeldur. Especially Yeldur.
yeah i agree fuck that yeldur guy
I, Yuhmaz will always hate him!
Well I am glad I reforged my estoc awhile ago, why make the swing worthless with 0 blunt damage isnt it just a variation of the longsword? Unfortunately the points I got from estoc reforge I put into Dane axe. Why nerf Dane axe but buff great long axe? Its shorter and weighs less that the lga it should swing faster not the same.
No, the Estoc is actually an edgeless weapon, meaning it shouldn't do much swing damage, from the balancing side of things we preferred to have the Estoc in a primarily stabby mode with a secondary mode that allowed you to halfsword and use it with swings as well (Doing a small amount of blunt damage) - It allowed us to buff the stab damage of the weapon (Which needed to happen anyways to help it focus on what it's meant for)
That being said, I advise you to try out the Estoc, it's a lot of fun (I use it and I enjoy it very much so)