The battle last night was fantastic, thanks all involved.
Was nice seeing equal-sized rosters and mid-level armour for a large portion of the battle rather than just plate. Unfortunately gear issues like bows not spawning negatively effected the defence, and many of the defenders were newer players. But it was great to see new people playing Strat, some of them already pretty strong players, and it was a good defence considering everything.
Glad to see the carebear faction is dead, hope EU doesn't quickly revert back to it's old ways and form a new one any time soon. NA still better, but if EU keeps having battles like last night I'll keep signing up.
Yeah most old people dont play or they can bored quıck we need new blood ı accept new people because they wonder a lot strategus battles they always on eu7 and they are excited.. But yesterday we had a fıve archer one crosbowmen they dıdnt get theır equıp and they feel bad.. Some people can say u are doing wrong but ıts true for me..
When strategus has a lot clan that was so funny. ı just planned to do that..
we will do more battles ıf other clans see that strategus has a lot white fiefs.. If somebody try to take neutral fiefs and has a lot fıefs ı will defend but ıf new clans wanna play they can free to take neutral fiefs..
we are player ıf we want we can bring the mod lıke old times