Then start answering my questions about faking depression and or autism. I want to beat the system too ![Sad :(](
Don't make eye contact when speaking to people. Stare at people with an open mouth without saying anything, after asking a question. Look at your toes when walking up an incline. Interrupt people in the middle of a sentence with an annoying lip sound. Don't answer questions until the person looks away. Rub your fists while staring at the other person's crotch and/or knees. Stare at people.
Lean your head on anything you can, particularly if in motion. When eating, take the food out of your mouth, look at it for a few seconds then put it back and gulp it down without further chewing. Stroke your gut after doing that and then scratch your head. Get really good at math. Only listen to classical music and have more fun with food packaging than with the actual food.
Go across roads without looking and if a car stops for you stare at the driver then pretend to tie your shoe.
I have just a little experience with meds, doc thought I might have depression, all the pills did to me was make me feel physically sick and actually depressed. Like when you drink too much iced drinks and go on a rollercoaster and get sick, but you can't get off. Also made me super tired after waking up, which was also shit.