First off, stop blaming the devs/admins for the population. It's out of fashion. The community is a major reason for the population concerns. Stop whining start recruiting!
Get rid of the socialized commie exp/gold gains and bring back the competitive proximity exp/gold gains, please!
Proximity gains award everyone fighting and dying together in the fun mosh pits. It penalizes the lone wolf hero troll running around the outside of the map hoping people are watching them (your dad isn't coming back), penalizes range/cavalry as a trade off for being far away and solo(you don't have to nerf range, the system takes care of itself). These are just some benefits. Competing to stay grouped and keep your friends living and dying in a heap are what is good in life.
No more peasant/refugee handouts. Building your character, getting your fashion right, these are what is good in life. Don't take that away from people. When you use all the cheat codes in skyrim, you stop playing skyrim after 10 mins FACT.
My added:
**Give Peasants (anyone under lvl25) a yuuuge bonus proximity modifier for themselves and their teammates around them(Peasant Aura). Keeping/defending your valued serfs and peasants by your side for as long as possible should be the most beneficial gain.
Make being a peasant a most valuable/fun part of the game. There is a huge apathy for new players other than fresh meat for the grinder. If your clan needs gold for that fucking banner then recruiting/training peasants will be in your best interest. Even provides incentive for veterans to level alts.
Also, first person perspective is fun! Try it!
I am Tiny_Glancer and I'ma go kill myself now.
Some comments from our respected members:
Will also mention your idea discourages ranged/cav without the need for hard nerfs (I think that’s a good thing).
Best suggestion I've seen in a loooooonnnggg time.
i think giving low-level players an enhanced XP aura (if i understood correctly) would be really neat, also more D E P T H to the game from the new contrived class resulting from such a change: peasant aura-whore
The proximity xp system was superior to the new age xp system Never understood why this changed.
wtf i love Sauce now???
Fuck, I find myself agreeing with something Sauce said. Must be a pretty good idea.