Author Topic: Maybe FIX THE GAME?!  (Read 63466 times)

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Re: Maybe FIX THE GAME?!
« Reply #90 on: February 23, 2018, 05:32:47 pm »
Butan, you're a crpg balance advisor...thats, really all that needs to be said there.

Placeholder forum title from another time... I have no power here.

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Re: Maybe FIX THE GAME?!
« Reply #91 on: February 23, 2018, 05:54:28 pm »
So what you're saying is, nudge killed the mod?


You said that  :shock:

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Re: Maybe FIX THE GAME?!
« Reply #92 on: February 23, 2018, 08:01:46 pm »
I think nudges are one of the best things added to the mix of gameplay. A relatively safe solution to feintspam, good teamwork option (except when hitboxes bug out) and just adding options outside kick block swing helps vary the game a lot.  :mrgreen:
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Re: Maybe FIX THE GAME?!
« Reply #93 on: February 23, 2018, 08:27:39 pm »
He was joking, mang.

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Re: Maybe FIX THE GAME?!
« Reply #94 on: February 24, 2018, 12:42:14 am »
hahaha, lol silver, if you're gonna bring up every rant or time i said "fuck this im out" you're gonna be here quite some time.
and i still stand by those things, those posts dont embarrass me, canary as my witness i did quit after the poleaxe. and the donkey hood bs, if i recall thats the same thread Daru "quit" in.
ahh yes, conquest, i grew to like conquest
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and still think it killed siege. because it did, people werent really fond of it, and testing changes about it should have been on a diff server.

He's just bitching for the sake of bitching.  It's nothing new.

lol if you think im not gonna bitch everytime i see something i dont agree with, you dont know me. but i know you, before you became trial admin you also bitched about things you disagreed with. you once bitched about new players getting starter kits. so you know all about how this community deals with criticism. and correct me if im wrong you had literally only one friend willing to speak up and support you. same guy thats rants and raves everytime i see something i disagree with. nothing new indeed.

because the truth is, ill probably never let this shit go. other games are just games, i see dumb ideas and crazy bullshit happen in all kinds of games, got 500 hours in warframe, shits getting brutally bad compared to the good old days. dont really care. the insane powercreep that destroyed DF...meh, shit happens. etc etc when people dont give a flying fuck they arnt gonna post shit.
its the people that have an intense amount passion for something they feel its changing \ dying that bitch on the forums.

i loled hard at all those WoW kids ranting and whining about their precious "nostalgia" servers getting shut down, i never played WoW but the amount of threads and topics and extreme rage, it was hilarious.
fuck me, now i know how it feels. cuz other games, just dont do it for me, native NEOGK and old crpg, fuck man, i could play those for life, i still check back to see if prof has come his senses.

if i just LOVED to bitch, instead of bitching about something i LOVED, would i really sit here and type sort novellas worth of this shit?

i still think old crpg is so much better than w.e. idea you guys can possibly come up with. you are not gonna get new players without bringing old ones back.

we came back for old levels, these are not old levels, i understand you intention for new players...honestly, its as hopeless for them as it always was and will be.
the only thing you could do to put new players on get rid of the gen bonus, or give new players gen 16
give them twelve lps to try w.e. they want. and make reforge give back +3, so they dont have to goto 31 16 fucking times before the game begins, i highly doubt no new player will last, and anyone mad about new players getting +3's...when you have a level advantage, is a much bigger cunt than ill ever be.

the argument that reforge giving back +3 being a bad thing makes no sense to me, its the equivalent to people wanting a full wipe because they want to start all over again...when they can start all over again anytime they want. if people still want to retire for looms and collect things they can, +3 reforge wouldnt change that, but it would allow people who have been using the same shit to try new things.

BUT MOSTLY: change the fucking xp values, i may not know shit about coding i do know that shit is easily changed. the idea that it keeps new players safe is ridiculous, especially since there is NOW no fucking way they will catch upto a 34, at least with old levels they can get to 34 and play against people i did. now i want to go 36...and it doesnt exist.
and high levels is one thing, 34 is not that high \ gaming breaking, noone is going 10+agi with stones on a 34.
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if prof is dead set on killing high level long grinds, have 34 be 70ish and start the ridiculous 200million+ grind at 35. skills are done in 3's stuck at 33 for over 200mill is unfuckingacceptable.

none of these things will probably be implemented
and the next things that are implemented
will prob be the next things i rant about.

lol silver, you brought back good bring up "Cheers Dupre" my response to thee ONLY time he did what he said he would do, and nothing else.
ikr im an ungrateful cunt 24/ also not going anywhere anytime soon forum wise. and ingame wise ill be back instantly for months if Prof ever decided to actually do "essentially 2013"

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Re: Maybe FIX THE GAME?!
« Reply #95 on: February 24, 2018, 08:21:52 am »

lol if you think im not gonna bitch everytime i see something i dont agree with, you dont know me. but i know you

stalker alert

But seriously, I stopped reading after the first few sentences since you kind of drifted off to la-la land for a minute there.  Who cares about something that may have or didn't happen years ago?  We are way past that.  Instead of coming on here to sling insults at the one guy who is still working on the mod, go play native or something.

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Re: Maybe FIX THE GAME?!
« Reply #96 on: February 24, 2018, 11:38:58 pm »
and ingame wise ill be back instantly for months if Prof ever decided to actually do "essentially 2013"

I still don't know what this means.

You should lay everything out exactly as you think it should be.  Rather than saying "do essentially 2013", because nobody knows what that means.  You yourself are arguing against what is happening in 2013, that is why I pointed it out.  I seriously doubt there are any sort of archival backups that go back 5 years.  And like what was said numerous times, we would lose soooo many cool new features.

Which btw takes an absolute fuck ton of time and effort for even the "simplest of changes".  You don't know what is going to break what, how some crazy hidden code written by a guy years ago who didnt comment it out, which bases half the mechanics off of a simple value.  All the time to fix said change when its broken for only a small group of players who's very lives crumbled for that brief day.

This means, you should lay out EVERY CHANGE that would make today's state of cRPG this "essentially 2013".  Or else there literally isn't anything to debate.  And don't say "Zomg, u stupid whore I already laid out my grand plan <insert vast generalized statements like 'Ranged is teh Gayzorz, make polearm and 2h Awesomez!'>".

THIS IS WHY THIS POST IS IN THE CHAMBER OF TEARS.  Do you not get that man?  I'm trying to help you out.  Your post is just complaining with absolutely nothing telling them how to "fix it".  There is nothing constructive here.  I'm hoping that you actually want it to change for the better instead of what everyone is writing you off as:  someone who just gets enjoyment out of complaining just to complain, offering no solutions because you don't have any, and ultimately you don't even know what you're asking for.

So please, write out what you think the state you think every class should be in, what exact changes would make it happen, and people could actually talk about the changes, come up with more solutions, work out better changes that would accomplish that and more.  You have supposedly been playing the game for a long time, seen the changes you didn't like happen over the years.  So you should be able to come up with a list and how you think they should change, and what those effects would be.  You troll these forums enough to have the time to do that, no problem.

Instead of "YOU FUCKING SUCK, #2013, #2013 #2013, WHY YOU RUIN THE GAME BY PUTTING IT INTO A STATE THAT NOBODY KNOWS WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT!?!?!111".  Because that's all we are seeing.

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Re: Maybe FIX THE GAME?!
« Reply #97 on: February 25, 2018, 12:12:19 am »
You should lay everything out exactly as you think it should be.  Rather than saying "do essentially 2013", because nobody knows what that means.  You yourself are arguing against what is happening in 2013, that is why I pointed it out.  I seriously doubt there are any sort of archival backups that go back 5 years.  And like what was said numerous times, we would lose soooo many cool new features.
no, there are. have all the code, all revisions back to 2011 or something. but just reverting back to then would be a hot mess, as so many things in the code have changed, not to mention others have added in many new features since them. basically, if i tried to revert back to 2013, it would be such a convoluted mess that i don't see it being feasible. however, changing small parts back to how they were in 2013 is something that is actually feasible. if there is a specific part of the game that was better in 2013, that can be implemented. if
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Re: Maybe FIX THE GAME?!
« Reply #98 on: February 25, 2018, 02:37:14 am »
ill be back instantly for months if Prof ever decided to actually do "essentially 2013"
So if Professor worked his butt off to bring back some era you perceived as better, and all without any funding or compensation you would come back for a few months?
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Re: Maybe FIX THE GAME?!
« Reply #99 on: February 25, 2018, 02:47:21 am »
As a high level back in 2013, those were really beginning to be a problem. I was level 35/36 and it was grossly overpowered fighting a bunch of ~level 32s. Of course, that led to the biggest mistake of increasing the average level to 35. (At the time, I was thinking that the average level should be increased to 32-33). We were probably afraid of the backlash of decreasing the max level, which was likely the best choice in hindsight.

There are more items than ever before and gear is way more accessible now compared to 2013 with the decreased slots and more sheathable weapons. The mechanics aren't too different than back then other than making HA slower, fixing dragging overheads, and changing 1h right swing.

Because there are less people on the servers, the balance is going to be different compared to when 30 vs. 30 was the norm. You can get a few archers to group together and it will be tough no matter the time period. It was like this since 2011 and maybe even before, remember seeing 6-7 HA/HX on a team?

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Re: Maybe FIX THE GAME?!
« Reply #100 on: February 26, 2018, 09:33:56 am »
Why do people hate the nudge so much?
Women cannot be autistic, because that implies otherwise well functioning brain to be impaired in some way. We know that women posses no such thing.

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Re: Maybe FIX THE GAME?!
« Reply #101 on: February 27, 2018, 12:07:43 am »

A wise man once said:
And then....  there are just so many examples it's painful, these are only a few, from the very years they are asking for...  Seems like those weren't the glory years either...

Waste of breath and brain cells to worry about these two:

Thats some really good posts you have dug up from the past by me. But why do i get the feeling you do not understand anything?
"I can hear you breathing with your mouth open, snot blocking your nostrils, a string of drool hanging from your lips.  DUURRRR."

I am a prophet, and those posts are my prophecy. Years ago i predicted the decline and eventual death of CRPG.

Because of fucktards who get their enjoyment out of griefing others. (ranged and cav)
Its like playing counterstrike and one guy just teamkills the whole match, and ruins it for the other 9 people. 
But in that game he can be votekicked at least.

The biggest problem is the general lack of  understanding  what made CRPG so damn great. (manual blocking and attacking)

Its not fun for me either, trying to teach you kids these things, come back after 30+ years of gaming and maybe you will understand. Or maybe not... i despair at humanity, i really do.

2012 was the year with the highest population of all time, it was so damn high the servers were FULL, for hours at primetime.
The only problem we had was full servers, and laggy servers due to many people.

Was that problem ever adressed? No,  what happened?   Nerfs to melee combat and unnecessary changes, and again, and again.

I dont have a personal problem whatsoever with either Professor or any dev in the history of CRPG.

My problem is the fact they from my perspective they are either intentionally destroying the game, or so inexperienced that they do not understand what they are doing with their actions

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Re: Maybe FIX THE GAME?!
« Reply #102 on: February 27, 2018, 01:07:46 am »
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You realize everyone in this thread has either been here longer than you or just as long as you.  So you're not making any valid points here...  "Manual blocking and attacking", yep, super complicated to get...  You're saying people are straight up griefers if they choose to use a bow or horse?

"You're all stupid, only I understand, I am a prophet, cuz...changes...get on my level!"

Alright.  Got it.

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Re: Maybe FIX THE GAME?!
« Reply #103 on: February 27, 2018, 01:25:45 am »
today eu server like 25vs25 and banner balance worked perfectly thank you proof.

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Re: Maybe FIX THE GAME?!
« Reply #104 on: February 27, 2018, 01:30:44 am »
2012 was the year with the highest population of all time, it was so damn high the servers were FULL, for hours at primetime.
The only problem we had was full servers, and laggy servers due to many people.
Back in 2012 battle server pop was capped at 50-60 people and seige was 100. But thats beyond the point alot of people from 2012 most likely grew up and moved on to other things.

And like Silveredge asked- are you implying people who play cav and ranged are griefers? Did you even read San's post 2 replies up?

Because there are less people on the servers, the balance is going to be different compared to when 30 vs. 30 was the norm. You can get a few archers to group together and it will be tough no matter the time period. It was like this since 2011 and maybe even before, remember seeing 6-7 HA/HX on a team?
« Last Edit: February 27, 2018, 01:35:45 am by Asheram »
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