Author Topic: Kifak  (Read 652 times)

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« on: February 04, 2018, 11:33:03 pm »
I usually dont report and stuff, but this guy is total troll every battle. I was told that this is his job from Northen alliance ( not sure, sorry if I'm wrong). Maybe he is new and now a days admins are not doing their job, and ppl troll free. I dont demand this guy to be banned, but warn him please. Don't leave it to be anarchy, please!
1. Name of your character involved - IncomingPewPew 

2. Name of offending character(s) - Kifak 

3. Time and server, as accurately as possible -   21:49 - 23:07, EU3 strategus battle

4. Written description of what happened, the whole story. Also what happened before and after.  - Eu3 strategus battle, our side just start pushing the enemy further to their spawn point and destroying it. I was playing the battle with my current archer hero. I went on side at the left side of the hill to help as much as i can our infantry. I saw an xbower hiding behind the last of theirs ladders and ofcorse i aimed at him so my team wont be shoot for few minutes. I shoot at first person view with zoomed in action (usually). I hitted the range player of the enemy, reloaded, and fired the 2nd arrow but my teammate (was on foot that time) "Kifak" went infront of my crossfire ( which i think is nobody's mistake). I usualy dont sorry during intense time. We push harder and make them fight at their flags. I take position behind a tree and firing arrows all ways to enemies heads. At some point a team cavalry bumped me just like that where nobody was around and wrote in the chat  "nub".  Usually I don't care if somebody TH or TB me or curse me. This night i'm very tired from work and i get angry at person who is trolling me for no reason (at my point of view) while i'm doing all me best to help the team. So i reported Kifak. He get angry and start chatting something (i didn't read it) and decided to charge me. He TK me! Now I'm annoyed that this thing even happen on strategus...   Please make serius warning to that guy that that is not ok...  Not because he TK me, but because this kind of actions make ppl annoyed and quit.   

5. Why you think the offender did what he did.* - KID? newbie? Admins don't care anymore, so ppl do whatever they want without punishment.

6. Multiple Screenshots - visitors can't see pics , please register or login

7. Names of players who witnessed what happened.**  -!?page=strategusinfobattledetail&id=2524
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Re: Kifak
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2018, 12:33:01 am »
You already banpolled this dude, no further actions are required. Locking.