Author Topic: Balancing  (Read 3505 times)

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Re: Balancing
« Reply #15 on: February 05, 2018, 04:03:13 am »
Maybe limiting archers and xbowmans to one pack of arrows and bolts is a good idea :|
Do not do so that they would occupy 1 or 2 slotsa and just set the limit on the one packs of arrows or bolts.
This will help to restrain all-consuming gayism, but on the other hand, the ranges will still feel strong.

Ofc for the strat battles the number of packs must be at least two.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2018, 04:06:44 am by ArcherHelot »

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Re: Balancing
« Reply #16 on: February 05, 2018, 06:48:06 am »
I honestly don't think range is OP currently. There I said it.

What is OP, however, is the number of people that utilize it. Alone these classes are so heavily neutered compared to native: that any fresh native person would tell you that these classes are beyond helping in terms of balancing Yet people still whine. I think the problem has more to do with auto balance and its super incredible logic that all range should play together. I personally believe introducing further nerfs to range classes would quite literally sap the fun out of that proportion of the mod and when there is no threat to melee'ers the server will die faster than when range kills it as No counterplay is by far more annoyingly boring than being shot. (see past evidence on how melee only servers never survived)

You'll find that the more you whine and be a cunt about things the more you will be dismissed.

I read your thread dave I also chatted with you privately where you attempted to teach me how to play the class I've been playing for years (Just as long as you have). While I appreciate the attempts at teaching me a variety of things and then simply calling me bad when I tell you I choose 185 wpf because I want a more optimized strat build is incredibly narrow sighted and quite frankly you are very childish. However, I was interested in most of your suggestions. Such as the price increase. Hopefully paired with gold sinks we can reduce the number of range via upkeep. As much as I think you are an arrogant bastard it doesn't matter because I do think some of your ideas have solid foundations. The only thing I disagree with is the strength requirement increase *effectively* removing arb availability outside of lvl 34-35 builds. Not ideal. Some random person shouldn't have to grind to level 35 to sport a build designed for long-range shots. (Its true that this change wouldn't affect me at all bc I'm level 34 and level 35 back before the level changes some years ago. So the lot of you that are claiming I'm protecting my own playstyle are sorely mistaken I'm protecting the availability of options and I'm sorry you all seem to disagree with diversity being a strong suit in cRPG.

I've basically come to the conclusion that discussing things with the players before/after balancing decisions are made to be completely pointless and that I ought to not even bother to look at the forums as its all just whining that you have an active development team.

You ask us to fix your auto balancer so EU range is split evenly amongst teams. Then when we make an attempt you shit on us for trying. Just how dumb do you want us to think you all are? If the answer is retarded then you are doing a great job.(praise Rhalzo)

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Re: Balancing
« Reply #17 on: February 05, 2018, 06:57:07 am »
the largest problem isn't mechanics, stats, or any other thing like that. cRPG has long had a misanthropic social disease, and only an organized campaign of ostracization, social sanction, exclusion, and ridicule can help

(problem ain't the bows n' arrows, problem ain't the crossbows n' bolts, its the fact that folk generally don't have a problem with playing these classes during a time in which the server is low-pop, or at a time in which the server is mostly ranged, and same thing goes with anything really gay, massed throwers, 6 great-lancing coursers in a 8v8 server, etc)
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Re: Balancing
« Reply #18 on: February 05, 2018, 07:31:08 am »
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Re: Balancing
« Reply #19 on: February 05, 2018, 10:46:23 am »
I honestly think Americans shouldn't be allowed to become item balancers (or any kind of balancers, for that matter). There, I said it.
Do you honestly think you have any sort of moral authority, Reyiz? Go genocide some more armenians and deny it ever happened, please, and stay in the middle east.
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Offline DaveUKR

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Re: Balancing
« Reply #20 on: February 05, 2018, 11:40:43 am »

Hopefully paired with gold sinks we can reduce the number of range via upkeep

Yes, +4k gold price is such a gold sink. Not sure how I'm going to afford being crossbowman (sarcasm  :rolleyes: )

You'll find that the more you whine and be a cunt about things the more you will be dismissed.

You'll find that the more you do bullshit decisions and show your negative attitude to justified criticism the more players will leave. I agree though that people who only say "balancers suck cocks" should be ignored, there will always be people who are not amused, it's just fine.

I read your thread dave I also chatted with you privately where you attempted to teach me how to play the class I've been playing for years (Just as long as you have). While I appreciate the attempts at teaching me a variety of things and then simply calling me bad when I tell you I choose 185 wpf because I want a more optimized strat build is incredibly narrow sighted and quite frankly you are very childish. 

I didn't even try to teach you how to play. I've only stated that max wpf builds are useless for _battle servers_ and 185 wpf in general is more wpf than required to successfully land shots at any range (170-175 wpf for MW arbalest allows you to get a crosshair size that allows you not to miss almost on any possible distance if you aim properly and for many players even that is not required). And I reminded you several times that the game should be balanced for battle mode first of all. Strat should be taken into account ofc but it's different.
Instead of discussing stuff you proceeded with bragging how well you perform, that your usual distance is 75-100m, that people bring you bolts etc. I have a lot of reasons to brag around too, yet I won't since it won't help anyhow.

The only thing I disagree with is the strength requirement increase *effectively* removing arb availability outside of lvl 34-35 builds. Not ideal. Some random person shouldn't have to grind to level 35 to sport a build designed for long-range shots. (Its true that this change wouldn't affect me at all bc I'm level 34 and level 35 back before the level changes some years ago. So the lot of you that are claiming I'm protecting my own playstyle are sorely mistaken I'm protecting the availability of options and I'm sorry you all seem to disagree with diversity being a strong suit in cRPG.

Another text that has literally no calculation behind it. How is that going to remove arb availability outside lvl34-35?!
Okay, long-range shots. lvl30 (yes, just 30)

18-21 build:
6 PS, 3 IF, 7 ATH, 7 WM, 170 wpf.
170 wpf allows to get long range shots already. But okay, you want a strat build. I will even ignore the fact that lvl31 can be reached during a couple of days of strat battles, if you want lvl30 builds lets do it.

18-24 build:
8 WM, 6 IF, 3 athletics, 184 wpf or 8 WM, 8 athletics, 1 IF and 184 wpf or any other combination.

even 18-27 build:
9 WM, 2 IF, 197 wpf (who would need this build any way? But it's diversity just as you wanted)

Alone these classes are so heavily neutered compared to native: that any fresh native person would tell you that these classes are beyond helping in terms of balancing Yet people still whine.

Okay. Again back to numbers and some real things that you're bad with.

It's always a stupid idea to compare to native, but here you go. In native multiplayer, crossbowmen have 4 athletics, 2 PS, 2 IF and 15 AGI + 14-16 STR. AT the same time all melee classes in warband multiplayer have 6 athletics.

You ask us to fix your auto balancer so EU range is split evenly amongst teams.

There is no need. At some point it will work and split ranged evenly because all the players will be ranged.

I've basically come to the conclusion that discussing things with the players before/after balancing decisions are made to be completely pointless and that I ought to not even bother to look at the forums as its all just whining that you have an active development team.

Very good conclusion and attitude, just as good as others. It's definitely going to help.

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Re: Balancing
« Reply #21 on: February 05, 2018, 11:49:16 am »
Amount of ranged is caused by something Chase said earlier, "melee is not fun so I just pewpew like everyone else." and this is correct, melee is so dull and boring, in fact I cant enjoy anything else than cav right now. My first stance against removing turn rate nerfs was negative but maybe that's what we need, spicing melee up so it becomes worth to actually get a shield and fight the arrow storm to enjoy a nice melee clutch instead of joining the stormtrooper squad.

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Re: Balancing
« Reply #22 on: February 05, 2018, 01:53:59 pm »
I got a shielder with 8 shieldskill usingthe huscarls round shield,but it does not help u much if u get shot from the side or mass. If u chase an archer there are atleast 2 others who shoot u in the back.also ive noticed some archers beeing able to jjust move a lil bit to the side (im very close to them with raised shield) and the shoot throu my shield into my left shoulder (if u know what i mean) something is wromg there with shieldprotection.Guess wrong thread for that.
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Re: Balancing
« Reply #23 on: February 06, 2018, 05:21:21 am »
I honestly think Americans shouldn't be allowed to become item balancers (or any kind of balancers, for that matter). There, I said it.
yeah no americans as deves either. fat cheeseburger gobbling freaks with their greasy sausage fingers can't make any decisions more intellectual than how many sticks of butter they want on their deep-fried pizzas with cheese-stuffed crusts.
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Re: Balancing
« Reply #24 on: February 06, 2018, 05:42:14 am »
Range isnt killing the servers

Have you ever considered that we're playing an 8 year old mod on an even older game and it just gets boring after a while??

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Re: Balancing
« Reply #25 on: February 06, 2018, 05:56:36 am »
yeah no americans as deves either. fat cheeseburger gobbling freaks with their greasy sausage fingers can't make any decisions more intellectual than how many sticks of butter they want on their deep-fried pizzas with cheese-stuffed crusts.

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Re: Balancing
« Reply #26 on: February 06, 2018, 06:47:56 am »
Range isnt killing the servers

Have you ever considered that we're playing an 8 year old mod on an even older game and it just gets boring after a while??
hey say that to my face ingame
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