24 hour Heirloom Exchange Sale 200k Each - Maximum 3 Per Player
Due to high demand for Heirloom Exchanges to be sold again due to changes to items, we will be selling up to 3 heirloom exchanges per person for the next 24 hours. Cost per Exchange is 200k gold.
What is the heirloom change points I can buy for this event?- 3 per player
What happens if I try to be sneaky and buy more than 3 heirloom exchanges using my other accounts/characters?- You'll lose those loom exchanges, your gold, and lose the privilege to participate in future heirloom exchange sales
How do I get heirloom exchanges for 200k?- post character name and number of exchanges wanted
- Once you post I will edit a trade link into your post. After the trade is accepted I will send the exchanges to your chosen character. (1 = 200k, 2 = 400k, 3 = 600k),
Trades will go out today.