1. Why was executioner sword made 2-slot? It had been 1-slot since it was added and was the only high-tier (and high cost...) 1-slot 2h. I think this was totally uncalled for and a bad decision, but I suppose there's some kind of reasoning behind this? Another balancer told me in game that this wasn't even discussed... So now I can't equip a long bow and executioner sword, but I can equip a long bow and 3 heavy board shields. Maybe you should just let a random number generator do the balancing.
2. Can you please restore the corelation between missile speed and damage? If not for the touch of realism, then maybe for the sake of balance, because high-damage ranged weapons are otherwise useless, since all the extra damage gets lost in weird armor soak calculations, apparently.
3. Why don't you balance teams on battle using the persistent player k:d values from the data base? That's the best data you can have to balance teams and you wouldn't have to scramble them after every fricking round.