Author Topic: Am I racist? 2.0  (Read 189344 times)

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Re: Am I racist? 2.0
« Reply #1035 on: April 24, 2018, 12:01:00 am »
jesus fucking christ

and I thought it was bad here in my town that the university banned an entire frat for having new members say that they hate niggers and spics as part of being sworn in to the frat.

i watched that and was something close to mildly offended because thats obviously a bunch of drunk yanks LARPing as low-IQ southern whites for the fun and shock value of it, including racial slurs so everyone can giggle xDDD thats not something ur supposed to say!

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the administrator of this forum is the Internet Keyboard man? Can only play "authority" in the virtual world?Can you tell me why?

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Re: Am I racist? 2.0
« Reply #1036 on: April 24, 2018, 12:07:34 am »
That's pretty common, I catch myself and others slipping into a hickish southern accent if I feel like saying something intentionally ignorant, I have been trying to stop it to be less culturally offensive to my southern brothers and sisters.
Always do sober what you said you’d do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut
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Re: Am I racist? 2.0
« Reply #1037 on: April 24, 2018, 12:33:46 am »
You wouldn't. "White guilt" is a cultural trait that's developed in the West, something that changes the way people interact in certain social situations, not something that people necessarily affirmatively declare or even recognize as part of who they are. The people you know may not say to you "gee Archibot I sure do feel guilty for being vicariously white today," it likely isn't something they'd even think about, but I guarantee that they would bow to social pressure if they were put in a situation where their alleged whiteness was a point of contention. Likewise, if some kind of disavowal of their whiteness would lead them to social reward, they would immediately go for it. This is especially easy among people of our generation, for whom normal social situations have been replaced by digital ones and Instagram followers or Facebook likes or whatever are the new social capital. Throughout their lives they've been internalizing a narrative that divides people into oppressed and oppressors, and when that combines with other trends like meek non-confrontation and heightened racial sensitivity the average person will "feel guilty about being white," because it's en vogue to be. As consumers of popular culture, your friends are surrounded by social cues of varying methods and strengths that point them toward "white guilt," just as surely as they are encouraged to drink Coke or eat at McDonald's or buy Ray-Bans (and they do).

you've taught kindergarten before, haven't you?
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Re: Am I racist? 2.0
« Reply #1038 on: April 24, 2018, 12:56:52 am »
you've taught kindergarten before, haven't you?
No, but I did attend kindergarten at one time. I refused to color things the way the teacher said to and I often made the other children cry. One of my earliest memories is staring up in disappointment at this abnormally tall basketball American in my kindergarten class, just bawling his eyes out because I wouldn't say his Lego spaceship was better than mine (it wasn't btw). Probably a formative experience.
Maybe you are not bad, but you are a boring person. Well, that's the end of the matter.

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Re: Am I racist? 2.0
« Reply #1039 on: April 24, 2018, 12:58:46 am »

It's time for you God Damn racists to learn some tolerance!
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Re: Am I racist? 2.0
« Reply #1040 on: April 24, 2018, 01:22:55 am »
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Lol Toronto Coat-of-Arms. Moar like Coat-of-Cocks amirite.
Women cannot be autistic, because that implies otherwise well functioning brain to be impaired in some way. We know that women posses no such thing.

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Re: Am I racist? 2.0
« Reply #1041 on: April 24, 2018, 02:41:46 am »
"your friends"
lol no one here has friends

Social media = internet drama, like i said, its internet drama.  If you from the suburbs and are racist I feel bad for you son, Ive got 99 problems but colored people aren't one.

The cultural civil war ain't going nowheres, pepsi, coke, small batch soda's who cares.  to be truly successful we have to export the civil war to all the world.  Soon they will all be diverse like mother USA, especially le France

Always do sober what you said you’d do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut
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Re: Am I racist? 2.0
« Reply #1042 on: April 24, 2018, 06:43:51 am »
Trying suicide by cop in fucking Canada...

My guess is mental illness for this one.

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Re: Am I racist? 2.0
« Reply #1043 on: April 24, 2018, 10:01:29 am »
It wasn't a "suicide by cop", it was a terrorist attack followed by an attempted suicide by cop. If the guy just wanted to suicide by cop, he'd have grabbed a knife and attacked a cop, not driven a van into a crowd of people (y'know, guaranteeing the deaths of many while nobody is able to stop him).
Meaning lies as much
in the mind of the reader
as in the Haiku.

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Re: Am I racist? 2.0
« Reply #1044 on: April 24, 2018, 10:48:25 am »
Armenian, anniversary of the armenian genocide. Stupid fucking cunt should've "commemorated" it in Turkey, why the fuck is he running over people in Canada.
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Re: Am I racist? 2.0
« Reply #1045 on: April 24, 2018, 10:50:05 am »
Trying suicide by cop in fucking Canada...

My guess is mental illness for this one.

Paul never gets tired of virtue signaling for poow innocent PoC's and self-flagelating against racist whites. Man, you can say what you will about the krauts, but they take their brainwashing very seriously. That's some A+ conditioning.
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Re: Am I racist? 2.0
« Reply #1046 on: April 24, 2018, 01:10:10 pm »
gets tired of virtue signaling for poow innocent PoC's

sorry but i dont understand this, i dont know if lack of knowledge or language barrier

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Re: Am I racist? 2.0
« Reply #1047 on: April 24, 2018, 01:16:49 pm »
Poow is just a way of saying "poor", but as if you were speaking to a lil cute puppy or a child. PoC means "Person of Colour", a postmodernist neo-marxist term meant to divide the world into two camps, the evil whites who opress and every single other ethnicity that exists that is opressed by them.

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« Last Edit: April 24, 2018, 01:20:48 pm by Oberyn »
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Re: Am I racist? 2.0
« Reply #1048 on: April 24, 2018, 03:28:35 pm »
Goldstein, hmm...
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Offline Angantyr

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Re: Am I racist? 2.0
« Reply #1049 on: April 24, 2018, 03:33:26 pm »
Findings of a 2012 Genocide Watch report. These policies are about to reach their zenith.
Why are Afrikaner farmers being murdered in South Africa?

by Leon Parkin & Gregory H. Stanton, President – Genocide Watch
14 August 2012
The following report is the result of an intensive personal inquiry in South Africa conducted July 23 -27, 2012.

Deliberate inaction of the South African Government has weakened rural security structures, facilitating Afrikaner farm murders, in order to terrorize white farmers into vacating their farms, advancing the ANC/S. A. Communist Party’s New Democratic Revolution (NDR.)

The South African Government for the last 18 years has adopted a policy of deliberate government abolition and disarmament of rural Commandos run by farmers themselves for their own self-defense.  The policy has resulted in a four-fold increase in the murder rate of Afrikaner commercial farmers.  This policy is aimed at forced displacement through terror.  It advances the goals of the South African Communist Party’s New Democratic Revolution (NPR), which aims at nationalization of all private farmland, mines, and industry in South Africa.  Disarmament, coupled with Government removal of security structures to protect the White victim group, follows public dehumanization of the victims, and facilitates their forced displacement and gradual genocide. 

Afrikaner farm owners are being murdered at a rate four times the murder rate of other South Africans, including Black farm owners. Their families are also subjected to extremely high crime rates, including murder, rape, mutilation and torture of the victims. South African police fail to investigate or solve many of these murders, which are carried out by organized gangs, often armed with weapons that police have previously confiscated.  The racial character of the killing is covered up by a SA government order prohibiting police from reporting murders by race.  Instead the crisis is denied and the murders are dismissed as ordinary crime, ignoring the frequent mutilation of the victims’ bodies, a sure sign that these are hate crimes.

However, independent researchers have compiled accurate statistics demonstrating convincingly that murders among White farm owners occur at a rate of 97 per 100,000 per year, compared to 31 per 100,000 per year in the entire South African population, making the murder rate of White SA farmers one of the highest murder rates in the world.

Incitement to genocide is a crime under the International Convention for the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, to which South Africa is a state-party.

The ANC government has promoted hate speech that constitutes “incitement to genocide.”  The President of the ANC Youth League, Julius Malema, revived the "Kill the Boer, Kill the Farmer" hate song at ANC rallies, until it was declared to be hate speech by a South African judge, and Malema was enjoined from singing it.  For other reasons, Malema was later removed as ANCYL President.  His followers continue to sing the hate song, and the Deputy President of the ANCYL has called for “war,” against “white settlers.”

After the judge’s injunction to halt singing of the hate song, even the President of South Africa, ANC leader Jacob Zuma, himself, began to sing the “Shoot the Boer” song.  Since Zuma began to sing the hate song on 12 January 2012, murders of White farmers increased every month through April 2012, the last month for which there are confirmed figures.

There is thus strong circumstantial evidence of government support for the campaign of forced displacement and atrocities against White farmers and their families.  There is direct evidence of SA government incitement to genocide.

Forced displacement from their farms has inflicted on the Afrikaner ethnic group conditions of life calculated to bring about its complete or partial physical destruction, an act of genocide also prohibited by the Genocide Convention.

High-ranking ANC government officials who continuously refer to Whites as “settlers” and “colonialists of a special type” are using racial epithets in a campaign of state-sponsored dehumanization of the White population as a whole.  They sanction gang-organized hate crimes against Whites, with the goal of terrorizing Whites through fear of genocidal annihilation.

What is dehumanization?

The process of dehumanization has the effect of numbing and decommissioning the moral sentiments of the perpetrator group.  Polarization creates the “us vs. them” mentality, in SA the “Indigenous Black People” group versus the “White Settler Colonialist” group.

ANC leaders publicly incite followers using racial epithets.  By dehumanizing the White victim group, members of the perpetrator group exclude the victim group from their circle of moral obligation not to kill its members.  Dehumanization is the systematic, organized strategy of leaders to remove the inherent natural human restraints of people not to murder, rape, or torture other human beings.  Taking the life of a dehumanized person becomes of no greater consequence than crushing an insect, slaughtering an animal, or killing a pest. 

The ANC denies its genocidal intentions.  But the South African Communist Party is more open about its plan to drive Whites out of South Africa. Gugile Nkwinti, South Africa’s Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform has declared that all “colonial struggles are about two things: ‘repossession of the land and the centrality of the indigenous population.’” Mister Nkwinti is confirming the goals of the South African Communist Party’s New Democratic Revolution (NDR) and stating that the colonial struggle is not yet over in post-1994 South Africa.  He is saying that Whites are unwelcome “settler colonialists” with no role to play in South Africa’s future.

The Transvaal Agricultural Union, Freedom Front, Democratic Alliance, IFP, Afriforum and numerous other organizations have on a regular basis called for the South African Government to declare farm murders and rural policing a South African government priority.   The President, who should be the guardian of the constitutional rights of all the people, has deliberately ignored these calls for action.

Former President F. W. De Klerk, on 25 July 2012 during the De Klerk Foundation's Crossroads conference correctly accused the current generation of ANC leaders of cynically manipulating racial sensitivities for political ends.  In our analysis, the current ANC leadership also publicly uses incitement to genocide with the long-term goal of forcibly driving out or annihilating the White population from South Africa. 

This report has explained the rationale for the deliberate inaction of South African government functionaries to prevent, prosecute, or stop the murders of Afrikaner farmers.  As a group, Afrikaner farmers stand in the way of the South African Communist Party’s goal to implement their Marxist/Leninist/Stalinist New Democratic Revolution and specifically the confiscation of all rural land belonging to White Afrikaner farmers.

Genocide Watch is moving South Africa back to Stage 6, the Preparation stage in the genocidal process.

Copyright 2012 Leon Parkin & Dr. Gregory H. Stanton
White South African family’s refugee bid rejected, accused of boosting case with ‘racist propaganda’
The Immigration and Refugee Board denied them refugee protection, saying there was no reliable evidence they were attacked due to their race, and it was more probable they were attacked for economic reasons — to steal their possessions.
A government lawyer said the fear of white children being raped by blacks was highly offensive as the information the family relied on was “white-supremacist hate literature” that should be ignored.
Canada accepts few refugee claims by South African citizens. So far this year, none have been accepted. In 2016 there were 12, in 2015 there were 18, in 2014 there were two and none in 2013.
« Last Edit: April 24, 2018, 04:02:27 pm by Angantyr »