Author Topic: Am I racist? 2.0  (Read 152364 times)

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Re: Am I racist? 2.0
« Reply #765 on: April 12, 2018, 02:21:45 pm »
Is the notion to hyperbole a characteristic trait of the French race?

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Re: Am I racist? 2.0
« Reply #766 on: April 12, 2018, 02:35:47 pm »
What's hyperbolic? That "racism" is the new Satan for our current year brainwashed retards in white, western, first world countries? That they wholeheartedly embrace a postmodern worldview ironically based entirely on race, where White = Opressor and "PoC" = Victim as a quasi-religious dogmatic substitute? It's hilarious seeing fedora tiping militant atheists like the Leshman replace one retardedly idealistic, moronic morality based on nothing more than wishful thinking for another and still be so self-satisfied in their "atheism", as if they weren't even fucking stupider.
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Re: Am I racist? 2.0
« Reply #767 on: April 12, 2018, 02:43:36 pm »
Agreed, if there are no evil capitalists we could all live in peace. Evil reptillian capitalists that have controlled us since the dawn of man, we just dont see them, but we need to fight them. Bring the borders down!
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Re: Am I racist? 2.0
« Reply #768 on: April 12, 2018, 03:22:13 pm »
(click to show/hide)

So what you're saying is we need to pinpoint undesirable genes and traits and instead of "indirect genocide" to further a culture and species we need to commit minority report style direct genocide? That's kind of difficult since non-violence and laws without violent punishment proliferated, developed and furthered western ideals that would be against this notion now.
« Last Edit: April 12, 2018, 03:29:42 pm by SixThumbs »
And how!

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Re: Am I racist? 2.0
« Reply #769 on: April 12, 2018, 03:23:48 pm »
And how!

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Re: Am I racist? 2.0
« Reply #770 on: April 12, 2018, 03:36:29 pm »
What's hyperbolic? That "racism" is the new Satan for our current year brainwashed retards in white, western, first world countries? That they wholeheartedly embrace a postmodern worldview ironically based entirely on race, where White = Opressor and "PoC" = Victim as a quasi-religious dogmatic substitute? It's hilarious seeing fedora tiping militant atheists like the Leshman replace one retardedly idealistic, moronic morality based on nothing more than wishful thinking for another and still be so self-satisfied in their "atheism", as if they weren't even fucking stupider.

That's hyperbolic.

Even assuming that Leshmann held a political opinion for a longer period than a Frenchman changes his underwear, is stupid - especially considering multiple personallity disorder. He's just a very troubled guy in a shitty country, who somehow upgraded his parasite status to human by some miracle which gets my respect. I even remember some posts where he tried to fit in with the right-wing-hipsters, only to fail as usual. The rest here is usually centrists or of the "Am I racist?" crowd.

Actually the only guy I remember in this forum who'd actually fit your postmodern blah description was Shik, probably because of him going to an American university and getting tainted by Goons. It lead to hilarious ideas like changing Vivi to the Viscount because rape and stuff. One time he even expressed the idea that only white people can be racist because of them being in power, where he wholeheartingly had been laughed at in irc.
« Last Edit: April 12, 2018, 03:54:15 pm by Paul »

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Re: Am I racist? 2.0
« Reply #771 on: April 12, 2018, 03:41:43 pm »
I mean you guys make jokes about the left being sheltered and cucks and what not but you get so offended that someone might view someone different from you as a human being.

You go to extreme lengths to excuse and intellectualize your actual hatred of other human beings on a platform where you're mostly not disagreed with.

Do you not see the irony? That the far left and far right are two sides of the same rotting apple?

Muh horseshoe! Yeah there's sooo many far-right "intellectuals" in academia with disciplines aimed at eradicating "blackness" and all the "problems" it represents, laying the foundations for their pomo ideology of genocide. Soooo many deeply institutionally imbeded memes about how anything non-white is privileged and must be cast down from their unearned positions of power and authority before true peace and equality can be achieved. Exactly the same, brah! Again, kill yourself.

Yes, I am deeply offended at absolute fucking retards who cannot argue their points and instead appeal to some sort of QUASI-RELIGIOUS DOGMA OF PSEUDOMORALITY instead. Oh noes! Hatred of human beings! Truly unfathomable! Are you aware of any human history beyond your navel-gazing bundle of sticksry? Of course not, it's all squeezed through that same soyboy, apathetic prism of childlike innocence. You don't see me calling for the censorship of these views. You don't see me saying that it is abhorrent that they are "allowed" to have these views. Just that they are absolutely fucking retarded and would fold into a black hole of cognitive dissonance at the first challenge. Which is why so many people are deeply, deeply invested in making sure they are never challenged at all.

In fact, I encourage ClownWorld views to spread and be exposed as much as possible. Let people see the logical bankruptcy, the double standards, the absolute fucking idiocy that is the entire base of their ideology. It's almost impossible to parody. There's no better arguement against the soyboys than what they, in their utmost sincerity, argue themselves.
« Last Edit: April 12, 2018, 03:46:00 pm by Oberyn »
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Re: Am I racist? 2.0
« Reply #772 on: April 12, 2018, 03:59:58 pm »
That's hyperbolic.

Even assuming that Leshmann held a political opinion for a longer period than a Frenchman changes his underwear, is stupid - especially considering multiple personallity disorder. He's just a very troubled guy in a shitty country, who somehow upgraded his parasite status to human by some miracle which gets my respect. I even remember some posts where he tried to fit in with the right-wing-hipsters, only to fail as usual. The rest here is usually centrists or of the "Am I racist?" crowd.

Actually the only guy I remember in this forum who'd actually fit your postmodern blah description was Shik, probably because of him going to an American university and getting tainted by Goons. It lead to hilarious ideas like changing Vivi to the Viscount because rape and stuff. One time he even expressed the idea that only white people can be racist because of them being in power, where he wholeheartingly had been laughed at in irc.

And yet he's not wrong when he says that these sorts of views are verbotten according to the academic centers, corporations, media and governments of white, western, first world countries. Did you not see Zuck testify? So proud that AI would be advanced enough in 5 years or so that "hate speech" could be eradicated. When pressed on how to define "hate speech" though, just the usual bunch of avoidance and evasion. What about Google/Youtube? You know, one of the most powerful corporations that exists and has access/control to an insane amount of information and people's access to it. Did you not follow the internal corportate culture? You can pretend all you like tumblr bundle of stickss and brainwashed Shiks are the only consequence, but such useful idiots are merely a symptom, not a cause. The cause is obvious and it is, ironically, instutionally promoted from practically every position of authority and influence in our society. I'm not sure how you can poopoo such things as "hyperbolic" when you're a fucking german in 2018, but clearly you're too blind or apathetic to look at where your "nation" is heading.
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Re: Am I racist? 2.0
« Reply #773 on: April 12, 2018, 04:03:47 pm »
My country is going right, simply to get some AFD voters back. So you can say mission accomplished, at least partly.

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Re: Am I racist? 2.0
« Reply #774 on: April 12, 2018, 04:05:21 pm »
Yeah, crazy, almost as if "reactionary" parties are REACTING to something. Obviously they're reacting to a phantom illusion and not something that clearly exists and has been promoted for decades, again from the highest positions of authority, influence and power.
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Re: Am I racist? 2.0
« Reply #775 on: April 12, 2018, 04:05:43 pm »
lol she cried what a snowflake

Really tho dunno why you guys get all up in arms about some weirdos being weirdos and calling themselves different pronouns or whatever. Its kind of like bullying disguised as political idealogy and I get why people don't want it in their schools

I actually thought you meant the social constructivists were the bullies (which would have been correct) until I read your next post.

If you are involved in this madness as you say, I would urge you to read the opposition's arguments carefully. The problem here is not insane people calling themselves wierd things but compelled speech, pseudo science and far left radicalism. Gender as a social construct has a long inglorious philosophical history ( These things started with Marxist critical theory in literary criticism and sociology, spread from there to the rest of the humanities and social sciences and has recently spread from there to the natural sciences. These things are now going into law.

An example is the Canadian Bill C-16, making it punishable to not use people's arbitrary pronouns by adding the ill-defined categories of gender expression and gender identity to the list of prohibited grounds of discrimination. You can find the senate hearings on Youtube (here the bit with Jordan Peterson This is what was interesting about the Lindsay Shepherd case, that it was the first abuse of the new law.

Another is New York City's law on 31 different gender identities:
an individual who simply mistakenly uses the wrong pronoun when referring to a transgender individual will not be fined under the new law. However, a person who intentionally and repeatedly refuses to use an individual’s preferred pronoun would be subject to fines (that could reach as high as $250,000 for multiple violations) under the law

Here is a list of the 31 non-biological genders people are forced to accept:
(click to show/hide)

A debate early in the development, before the passing of Bill C-16, I recommend watching the arguments of the 'gender studies professor', paints a pretty clear picture.

« Last Edit: April 25, 2018, 02:32:42 pm by Angantyr »

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Re: Am I racist? 2.0
« Reply #776 on: April 12, 2018, 04:18:16 pm »
Havelle admits these insane retards are "problematic", but he doesn't care really because they're "allies" in his war against his own culture. He's literally AIDS justifying his existence as a parasite. Oh it is good that they exist because they undermine the social fabric of my society, which is the primary goal. There is no further discussion to be had.

Incidentally "problematic" is one of the usual weasel words these stupid fucking cunts are deeply enamoured of.

Lol. Oy vey, there are codes of conduct we must all adhere to! Not the evil conservative white-supremacist obsolete codes of conduct that must be eradicated though, just the ones I approve of. Kill yourself.
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Re: Am I racist? 2.0
« Reply #777 on: April 12, 2018, 04:23:49 pm »
It's called 'intersectionality' in feminism, Oberyn, get with the lingo.

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Re: Am I racist? 2.0
« Reply #778 on: April 12, 2018, 04:26:58 pm »
But if we promise to shield the kids from any sort of discomfort or adversity and stifle inconvenient discourse it makes university seem more attractive and easier to siphon funds publicly and privately. Crushing debt also makes it easier to force someone into the flow when they're just trying to keep their heads above water.

Those poor kids can't even raise a convincing fist.
And how!

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Re: Am I racist? 2.0
« Reply #779 on: April 12, 2018, 04:28:23 pm »
Even assuming that Leshmann held a political opinion for a longer period than a Frenchman changes his underwear, is stupid

True. I don't care about politics and love shitting on opinions of those who do care. They get no respect from me and never will. I only respect people of science, rest can gtfo.

especially considering multiple personallity disorder.

That's not scientific, therefore incorrect. No such thing like dissociative identity disorder. It's just those craving for attention going to great lengths to convince others they are special in some way. Everybody who works in that field is a fraud.

He's just a very troubled guy in a shitty country

I'm not troubled anymore. Everybody is troubled when he/she is in trouble, naturally. Mental fortitude helps but everybody will break if pushed too far. But one can build mental fortitude which helps immensely when dealing with stressful situations in the future.

Country being shitty has nothing to do with me, when people are mentally weak and unexperienced (unknowledgable) they believe their surroudings is mostly at fault for their misfortune. It does affect them at great deal but it's nothing that can't be overcome with a little bit of extra effort. Besides, we humans are lazy species who use only fraction of our abilities so pushing 20-30% harder every day won't do harm, instead will help us become better people.

who somehow upgraded his parasite status to human by some miracle which gets my respect

That's the problem with you Germans, you think so high of yourself and belittle everybody around you, it is hard for you to believe that others are people and can become better at what they do. It's core problem with racism, belief that somebody is lesser and can't change to better. For example, this shitty Frenchman truly believes he's better and always will be better than all the brown skinned people on this planet. That isn't just laughable it is moronic.

I never asked for anyone's respect because no matter how shitty my situation is I don't think anybody to be greater than me, therefore I don't need anybody to acknowledge me in any way. True communist firmly believes in reaching equality (we aren't all equal but there is posibility we can reach that in the future, some just have to push harder) and there is no vertical hierarchy involved which means I don't need your pity, I don't need your respect and don't need any charity from you. Will earn and create that myself, thank you very much.

I even remember some posts where he tried to fit in with the right-wing-hipsters, only to fail as usual.

Fit in with human scum, nope. Unlike most of you western twats, I have real life experience with nationalism, racism and how it affects people. Not on stupid internet discussion boards when someone hurts you by calling you a friend, amigo or whatever but when someone use your nationality or skin colour to strip you away from basic rights in society.

The rest here is usually centrists or of the "Am I racist?" crowd.

The very fact that you need to classify yourself as centrist, left or rights means you have failed already. So many nicer things to think about than stupid global politics. Vast areas of scientific research waiting to occupy your body, mind and soul but nope, it's better to talk politics on internet like that matters somehow. Even worse are leeches like that Milo guy or this prof. Petersen who earn money doing bullshit whole day every day. Those pink haired obese chicks are not better.

I do everything with a reason, sometimes I'm wrong but sometimes I'm right. Called out Oberyn as racist for the lulz in global chat, mostly because he was acting like twat towards some players but didn't mean it overly serious. He did however take it very personaly and as we can see today, I was right for doing that because dude is 100% racist cunt.

Just like Merc clan are 90% failed human beings, their attitude was first thing that struck me as wrong when I started playing this mod.