the buff wasn't that big, mostly stuff just got a little bit faster to reload and heavy xbow got 3 slots but for that way less accurate, that's not worth going crazy about. Archery changes will come sooner or later, but that requires more work
btw have you tried that xbow build yet I recommended? Since you said xbow is still too op in melee
just the fact than xbows get a buff even for 1 point is enough to going crazy imo
and yeah not that big but a little + a little it finish to make it back to big
i know i repeat myself but why most powerfull and accurate ranged weapon is not nerfed to the ground like others ?
why only xbows can go for high agi build when at the base it was like arbalest needed 18 or 21 str ? is it not suposed to be a revert to oldschool style fashion?
you can think im saying shit but sry xbowers are able to kite now !!!
and by kiting i mean coming close to you shoot running away at cover then coming back and finish the last 10% hp u had
i tried 12/27 on my stf but because all my ranged class have ghosting projectile problem i gave up ...
going for cav probably next respec... why i would go ranged when i can os anything as cav and when archers do around 10 and 20% dmg per arrows to heavy horse...
please decrease the 1 week free respec or atleast allow it to all chars