
Current state of ranged:

Ranged should stay the same
Crossbows should be nerfed
Archers and crossbows should be nerfed

Author Topic: The Ranged Problem.  (Read 28039 times)

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The Ranged Problem.
« on: December 17, 2017, 02:18:10 am »
Firstly, I'm posting this in General Discussion because I believe that it will attract more eyes and this discussion needs to be presented (or continued) in a manner that will expose itself to as much of the playerbase as possible.

I decided to test some of the capabilities of ranged builds that are attainable in cRPG. Below is the data that I collected on a character that had 59 hit points (24 strength and no Iron Flesh).


I only tested two builds: one for crossbow, one for archery. The crossbow build was designed to meet the basic requirements of using an arbalest (16 strength) whilst the archery build focused on a strength based yew longbowman (30 strength and 12 athletics).

Important info regarding builds:

Arbalest:                        Yew Longbow Archer:

18 strength                    30 strength
184 wpf                         121 wpf

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*Note that all shots were taken from the same distance as represented by the "Reticle for Arbalest" screenshot.

On the testing parameters:

Each shot was fired at a non-moving (no speed bonus) target that wore armors at varying intervals. The armor scales as follows: 0, 30, 50, 70. These intervals were chosen to represent base damage, light armor, medium armor, and heavy armor. No ranged weapon tested utilized heirloom points. The archer utilized bodkin arrows and the arbalest used steel bolts.

Now, for damage reports:

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Estimated Hit point calculations:
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Arbalest: 8 bolts per minute on 184 wpf
Archer:   17 arrows per minute on 121 wpf (yew longbow)

Final note: The arbalest does not have any power draw requirements, meaning anyone who has 16+ strength can use it. Additionally, you do not need to bring bolts into battle because it comes preloaded on spawn.
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Re: The Ranged Problem.
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2017, 02:20:28 am »
Is there a tl:dr version?
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Re: The Ranged Problem.
« Reply #2 on: December 17, 2017, 02:34:21 am »
Is there a tl:dr version?

I just look at the pics as always, upvoted before anyway just because its a Thryn post
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Re: The Ranged Problem.
« Reply #3 on: December 17, 2017, 03:26:09 am »
Yea, xbows are too op in general. Speed bonus is broken as well, way higher dmg than before. I tested light xbow on horse, with 12/30 build, 10 riding non loomed things. When I shoot Pastor from horseback when I wasnt moving I took 1 bar but when I charged at him I took 8 bars, to the body ofc. So the main things to fix in my opinions is to nerf a bit all xbows and to do something with speed bonus. Some of throwings needs rework of stats as well.

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Re: The Ranged Problem.
« Reply #4 on: December 17, 2017, 06:16:17 am »
Personally I think it's OK as is but if a vast majority of people want a nerf, I think a small nerf to heavy ranged could be acceptable

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Re: The Ranged Problem.
« Reply #5 on: December 17, 2017, 06:21:36 am »
Is there a tl:dr version?
seriously what the fuck? not reading this lol
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Re: The Ranged Problem.
« Reply #6 on: December 17, 2017, 07:10:32 am »
Didn't read, get a shield, problem solved
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Re: The Ranged Problem.
« Reply #7 on: December 17, 2017, 08:08:27 am »
The problem with a static test like this is there is little to no variation and no conditional situations being met. Your tests are not an active field of engagement. They are a basis for potential damage and potential damage alone and potential damage can't be justifiably nerfed or buffed by shooting a target that wants to be hit from a distance that is close range.

Damage decreases as the bolt/arrow travels distance - situationally speaking if someone was that close to you You'd have 1 chance to shoot him with the arb maybe 2 chances with the yew longbow. It is far more likely to deal 0 damage because the person is aware of ur presence near them especially at that range.

While adding PD requirements to xbow might seem like a solid solution it would only complicate things further as the way the engine utilizes the damage and accuracy stat to calculate wpf weight and reticle size.

Myself and Rico are testing a variety of builds (throwing/archery/crossbow/HA/HX) to see if there are ways to tweak them effectively without completely nerfing dedicated builds out of existence as previous balancers have practiced.

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Re: The Ranged Problem.
« Reply #8 on: December 17, 2017, 08:18:43 am »

Myself and Rico are testing a variety of builds (throwing/archery/crossbow/HA/HX)

now im feeling safe :mrgreen: but your post is correct, it's hard to judge only by making test on non moving targets, one of the biggest advantages xbows have over the bows are its almost impossible to dodge, bolts are too fast same is with trowing no one in past was whinning on trowing lances or axes (slow huge damage, ez to strafe) it was all about nasty gay +3 spammable stones  :D

Offline Asheram

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Re: The Ranged Problem.
« Reply #9 on: December 17, 2017, 09:16:07 am »
now im feeling safe :mrgreen: but your post is correct, it's hard to judge only by making test on non moving targets, one of the biggest advantages xbows have over the bows are its almost impossible to dodge, bolts are too fast same is with trowing no one in past was whinning on trowing lances or axes (slow huge damage, ez to strafe) it was all about nasty gay +3 spammable stones  :D
well you got your wish I dont think i have seen anyone use stones anymore since this revert.
Mortal Combat!ARYS "@Asheram you arent even what you stole from me bud"
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Re: The Ranged Problem.
« Reply #10 on: December 17, 2017, 09:38:56 am »
The problem with a static test like this is there is little to no variation and no conditional situations being met. Your tests are not an active field of engagement. They are a basis for potential damage and potential damage alone and potential damage can't be justifiably nerfed or buffed by shooting a target that wants to be hit from a distance that is close range.

Damage decreases as the bolt/arrow travels distance - situationally speaking if someone was that close to you You'd have 1 chance to shoot him with the arb maybe 2 chances with the yew longbow. It is far more likely to deal 0 damage because the person is aware of ur presence near them especially at that range.

While adding PD requirements to xbow might seem like a solid solution it would only complicate things further as the way the engine utilizes the damage and accuracy stat to calculate wpf weight and reticle size.

Myself and Rico are testing a variety of builds (throwing/archery/crossbow/HA/HX) to see if there are ways to tweak them effectively without completely nerfing dedicated builds out of existence as previous balancers have practiced.

The basis for testing in a static environment is so that comparable and reproducable results can be obtained. I did not say that the damage output represented by my amateurish testing reflected 100% true gameplay experience, but there is one thing to note: you will never be able to test in a manner that produces identical results as to what occurs in a public server. Additionally, the sheer number of variables going into damage calculations means that "perfect" balance is never going to be achieved.

They are a basis for potential damage and potential damage alone and potential damage can't be justifiably nerfed or buffed by shooting a target that wants to be hit from a distance that is close range.

Balance is based upon damage outputs. We can measure how much damage is being done and alter varying factors to further explore the path toward reaching what we believe to be balance. Now, I understand your argument. You're saying I didn't flesh out all of the other factors that go into ranged damage calculations. Speed bonus, damage falloff due to distance, etc. You are correct, and that's why I didn't make an recommendations regarding the damage values of these weapons because further testing obviously needs to be carried out.

One thing is fundamentally clear: if you meet the strength requirements, you can use a crossbow. Even if you don't have weapon proficiency in crossbows, you can still be deadly with them. In order to play as an archer, you MUST put points into power draw, making you less effective at any other ability that you choose to forsake so that you may use a bow. Crossbows do not require you to give up anything (besides wpf if you want to be pinpoint accurate) in order to be effective so long as you meet a particular crossbow's strength requirement.

Damage decreases as the bolt/arrow travels distance - situationally speaking if someone was that close to you You'd have 1 chance to shoot him with the arb maybe 2 chances with the yew longbow. It is far more likely to deal 0 damage because the person is aware of ur presence near them especially at that range.

Skillful archers can hit these shots close range. Just because people miss shots doesn't mean that a weapon deals too little or too much damage. This would be more of a question of accuracy, and I highly doubt that you will argue that people miss close range shots because their reticle stretches from corner to corner of the screen. "We can't change damage values because they're hard to shoot when they juke" is saying that "we need to have all melee weapons 1 shot people because they can block and its annoying when they block all of my swings." The logic on either situation doesn't add up.

Also, your point assumes that archers are static on the battlefield. Most ranged players utilize the WASD keys to move about the battlefield. If you approach them, they generally will run away from you so they may gain an additional opportunity to fire a shot. I think you'd agree with this because you use this tactic yourself.

Also, damage output at range for melee weapons is horrendous, pls allow me to throw longsword.

While adding PD requirements to xbow might seem like a solid solution it would only complicate things further as the way the engine utilizes the damage and accuracy stat to calculate wpf weight and reticle size.

well shit it's too hard to implement boys, pack it up

at the end of the day:

i chose to be cavalry so now i'm not an effective footsoldier
i chose chose to be an archer so now i can't be as effective in melee
i chose melee so now i can't be as effective as an archer
i chose throwing so now i can't use a bow or be as effective in melee
i chose a class but i still can be a crossbowman
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Re: The Ranged Problem.
« Reply #11 on: December 17, 2017, 10:25:19 am »
Someone seems to have punched the number pad to decide the slot requirements for melee weapons. Just scroll down 1 handers and see. 0 slots still pop up 3/4 down the list. Gross Messer 0 slot? What the...You could add some slot requirements on ammo too

Having ladders as well just increases the incentive to take a ranged weapon on your melee character (xbowers). I like ladders because it adds some interesting dynamic to the maps, but if you want to be a ranged character you should sacrifice more in melee for that imo. If you're good at melee you only really need to be able to block and have an OK weapon anyway.
« Last Edit: December 17, 2017, 10:29:15 am by Grumbs »
If you have ranged troubles use this:

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Re: The Ranged Problem.
« Reply #12 on: December 17, 2017, 10:37:07 am »
Someone seems to have punched the number pad to decide the slot requirements for melee weapons. Just scroll down 1 handers and see. 0 slots still pop up 3/4 down the list. Gross Messer 0 slot? What the...You could add some slot requirements on ammo too

Having ladders as well just increases the incentive to take a ranged weapon on your melee character (xbowers). I like ladders because it adds some interesting dynamic to the maps, but if you want to be a ranged character you should sacrifice more in melee for that imo. If you're good at melee you only really need to be able to block and have an OK weapon anyway.

Yes, that's a fair point. A disadvantage to using arbalests and heavy crossbows is the fact that they take up 3 slots, so you're forced to use 1h weapons, some polearms, and the executioner sword (if it hasn't been changed). Maybe a mace or some lower tier 2hs as well but I can't remember off the top of my head.
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Re: The Ranged Problem.
« Reply #13 on: December 17, 2017, 10:41:27 am »
The problem with a static test like this is there is little to no variation and no conditional situations being met. Your tests are not an active field of engagement. They are a basis for potential damage and potential damage alone and potential damage can't be justifiably nerfed or buffed by shooting a target that wants to be hit from a distance that is close range.

Damage decreases as the bolt/arrow travels distance - situationally speaking if someone was that close to you You'd have 1 chance to shoot him with the arb maybe 2 chances with the yew longbow. It is far more likely to deal 0 damage because the person is aware of ur presence near them especially at that range.

I'm not picking up what you're putting down here. As far as I understand it, Thryn's purpose was to compare the damage outputs of arbs and longbows. This test being static, without any "variations" other than the ones being measured (arb/bow, armor levels) changing, is exactly what makes it legitimate. There isn't any need to introduce other variables to compare the damage that arbalests and longbows can do, if that's the full extent of what you want to measure. It's not about exactly what happens on NA1, it's about putting xbows and bows into the same scenario so what you're getting is an accurate measurement for the purpose of their comparison. There's literally no other way to do it. The question ¿is the disparity between xbows and bows a problemo? is raised effectively by these results,

Hit up a middle school teacher to tell you about the scientific method fam.

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Re: The Ranged Problem.
« Reply #14 on: December 17, 2017, 11:41:47 am »