Author Topic: Can we get a real leveling system revert? Please and thank you  (Read 7402 times)

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Can we get a real leveling system revert? Please and thank you
« on: November 13, 2017, 05:58:59 pm »
After this poll was conducted, people got excited to be able to do battle like it was the good old days again. The assumption that came along with that is that we'd all be able to use the same builds we had pre-patch of destiny, if not a more advanced one since some people may have accumulated enough xp to level up more since then. However, we instead are given a completely new leveling system with nothing but gimped versions of the characters we had grown accustomed to. Over 80% of the active community voted in favor of a revert, while no one voted for an entirely new xp system. If you're trying to do some partial-wipe bs, at least ask around a little bit on the forums here to get some feedback before just going ahead and pulling the trigger. If the apparent goal here is to revitalize the mod, then you should first and foremost focus on getting the vets to return, something that a wipe is likely not going to help with as much. A wipe favors newcomers, something it is highly doubtful we will ever see again unless we can draw back in the vets to maintain a decent population in the meantime.

Regardless of whether or not anything should even be wiped, if you're gonna do a partial wipe at least do the smarter (although still rather foolish) thing and take away all our looms while not touching our levels. Having just one more level makes all the difference in available playstyles, and by extension having 2 or 3 more is even more impactful. Players who were previously level 36 (pre-patch of destiny) are now level 33 at best, and leveling beyond that point is quite literally impossible. On the flip side, looms have almost no affect on the way you play whatsoever, they literally only make you artificially better by giving you an advantage in survivability, damage-dealing, etc. If someone is level 35 and running around in the same armor loomed and unloomed, nothing changes other than the fact they might be able to tank an extra hit when wearing it loomed. However if you've got someone running around at level 32 compared to 35, they'll be noticeably slower, or weaker, or outright unable to use the same items as the higher leveled version of themselves. The point I'm trying to make here, is ya done goofed. You took away our ability to customize our characters and play the way we want, ruined any hybridization opportunities that may have existed beforehand, and for what reason, exactly? In the hopes that you could attract some noobs who will still hop on and see people using looms and go crying back to native? If you want to help noobs, remove looms. If you want to keep vets from coming back, take away our levels.

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« Last Edit: November 13, 2017, 06:02:24 pm by Jona »
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Re: Can we get a real leveling system revert? Please and thank you
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2017, 06:11:50 pm »
dude shut up you don't play the game so your opinion is irrelevant


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Re: Can we get a real leveling system revert? Please and thank you
« Reply #2 on: November 14, 2017, 12:49:18 am »
After this poll was conducted, people got excited to be able to do battle like it was the good old days again. The assumption that came along with that is that we'd all be able to use the same builds we had pre-patch of destiny, if not a more advanced one since some people may have accumulated enough xp to level up more since then. However, we instead are given a completely new leveling system with nothing but gimped versions of the characters we had grown accustomed to. Over 80% of the active community voted in favor of a revert, while no one voted for an entirely new xp system.
The language I used was poor, I'll give you that. When I said "essentially" changing back to pre-PoD, I meant that retiring would once again be done at level 31 or so. The only thing that has been changed from pre-patch of destiny is the post-retirement levels. Given the assumptions we made didn't match up, in the future I'll make sure to be crystal clear in my intentions.

If you're trying to do some partial-wipe bs, at least ask around a little bit on the forums here to get some feedback before just going ahead and pulling the trigger. If the apparent goal here is to revitalize the mod, then you should first and foremost focus on getting the vets to return, something that a wipe is likely not going to help with as much. A wipe favors newcomers, something it is highly doubtful we will ever see again unless we can draw back in the vets to maintain a decent population in the meantime.
For the near future I have no plans for "partial-wipe bs." I don't see how what I've done so far can be considered close to that, maybe there's been more miscommunication. Of course, my goal is to get the mod back on its feet. One of the reasons I decided I decided to revert levels was that is exciting to a degree and could potentially draw back in players who left due to the introduction of PoD leveling system. Hypothetical, sure, but worth a shot. Again, the wipe is still under discussion. In the case that some form of a wipe does happen (not saying that it will or will not), it would be sometime early 2018.

Regardless of whether or not anything should even be wiped, if you're gonna do a partial wipe at least do the smarter (although still rather foolish) thing and take away all our looms while not touching our levels. Having just one more level makes all the difference in available playstyles, and by extension having 2 or 3 more is even more impactful.

As said before, wipe is not planned for now.

Players who were previously level 36 (pre-patch of destiny) are now level 33 at best, and leveling beyond that point is quite literally impossible. On the flip side, looms have almost no affect on the way you play whatsoever, they literally only make you artificially better by giving you an advantage in survivability, damage-dealing, etc. If someone is level 35 and running around in the same armor loomed and unloomed, nothing changes other than the fact they might be able to tank an extra hit when wearing it loomed. However if you've got someone running around at level 32 compared to 35, they'll be noticeably slower, or weaker, or outright unable to use the same items as the higher leveled version of themselves. The point I'm trying to make here, is ya done goofed.

Yes, it is now very difficult to level past 33, and yes the new post-31 leveling system is now different from pre-PoD. I changed it to this because, under the old pre-PoD system, theoretically a player could have their levels reverted back to 35, which was up until last weekend the retiring point for builds. My goal in this level revert was to improve balance, which has been strained by the high-level builds of PoD. Having players running around at level 35, a post-retirement level in PoD, completely defeats that purpose.

Admittedly, the system that I concocted isn't perfect. But, do remember that, in PoD, leveling past 38 was quite literally impossible. 38 itself was hard enough to get to, if not also impossible. The point of this patch is to weaken high-level builds that can abuse the combat system, and to lessen the effects of "OP" items. Even if the current leveling system is a bit too harsh in accomplishing that goal, here's the thing: it can be tweaked.

You took away our ability to customize our characters and play the way we want, ruined any hybridization opportunities that may have existed beforehand, and for what reason, exactly? In the hopes that you could attract some noobs who will still hop on and see people using looms and go crying back to native? If you want to help noobs, remove looms. If you want to keep vets from coming back, take away our levels.

Item difficulties were lowered to accommodate lower levels, and can be lowered further. So, you can still customize your character. You can still play the way you want. You can still use hybrids. If this change has disproportionate affect on those, then I will think of ways to encourage them with in the new system.

The thing is, there is no way to quantify the effect that this change has on customization, hybridization, or anything like that until one plays the game with others, and sees for themselves how the balance compares to other players, and other builds.

Basically, all this shit is a work in progress. The post-31 xp for levels can change, item difficulties can change, etc. But the best thing to do for the mod right now isn't to go onto the forums and share opinions about the state of the game, it's to play the game, get it populated, and actually try out the new things that have been implemented. Then, if you want to share your opinion, at least it'll be informed, and as a result I'll be better able to adapt the state of the game if a problem area is brought up.
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Re: Can we get a real leveling system revert? Please and thank you
« Reply #3 on: November 14, 2017, 01:29:25 am »
The language I used was poor, I'll give you that. When I said "essentially" changing back to pre-PoD, I meant that retiring would once again be done at level 31 or so. The only thing that has been changed from pre-patch of destiny is the post-retirement levels. Given the assumptions we made didn't match up, in the future I'll make sure to be crystal clear in my intentions.

You might want to try your hand at politics if that's how you interpret the situation.

You: "Hey guys, who wants to play crpg as it was in 2014?"
Crpgers: "Me! Me! Me! Me! not me Me! Me! Me! Me! not me"
You: "K cool, I've implemented a brand new system instead."
Crpgers: "...da fuck?"
You: "Lol you just misinterpreted me bros xD"

For the near future I have no plans for "partial-wipe bs." I don't see how what I've done so far can be considered close to that, maybe there's been more miscommunication.

You don't see how knocking 1, 2, 3 levels off of our characters isn't essentially the same as a partial wipe (not including the levels lost converting from the PoD system back to "the old system")? Okay then... let me put it this way. You wiped out some of our progress. Previously level 36 characters are now 33. That's a partial wipe, not of looms, but of xp.

One of the reasons I decided I decided to revert levels was that is exciting to a degree and could potentially draw back in players who left due to the introduction of PoD leveling system. Hypothetical, sure, but worth a shot. Again, the wipe is still under discussion.

Sure, it would have been exciting to play with the old xp system again, aka what we were expecting from a revert. What you did was not a revert, but merely the introduction of an entirely new xp system.

Yes, it is now very difficult to level past 33, and yes the new post-31 leveling system is now different from pre-PoD. I changed it to this because, under the old pre-PoD system, theoretically a player could have their levels reverted back to 35, which was up until last weekend the retiring point for builds. My goal in this level revert was to improve balance, which has been strained by the high-level builds of PoD. Having players running around at level 35, a post-retirement level in PoD, completely defeats that purpose.

Having a soft leveling cap isn't a problem. It was nearly impossible to level past 36 in the OG system, and save for maybe one very "dedicated" person, no one did. The only problem with the new system is that the soft cap is at 33, not 36 where it was promised to be. You get a lot of mileage from those last few points and all this patch does is disallow further customization of your build beyond a standard level 31 one. The PoD didn't break the game since everyone was a high level, it broke the game because certain people could be SUPER high level. The difference between 36 and 38 is huge, the 9th or 10th point in athletics really makes things start to get all fucky, and that is something that is simply not often, if ever, attainable with the OG leveling system. Additionally, your goal with this patch is outright wrong. If what you're after is a populated server, that is your goal. Not perceived in-game 'balance.' Balance has never been what crpg was known for, nor what kept us all playing. It somehow managed to strike a nearly-perfect harmony of imbalance, where everything simultaneously seems broken and not. In-game balance is something that devs at triple A studios still can't achieve even after working in the industry 30+ years. Don't come in here thinking that you have the answer Tydeus and San couldn't come up with before. Face the facts, it is nearly-impossible to balance this game, and that's perfectly fine, so long as we can provide a fun playground regardless. Unfortunately for this game's history, most attempts at balance end up making the game all around less fun for certain affected parties, and in some cases, everyone.

Item difficulties were lowered to accommodate lower levels, and can be lowered further. So, you can still customize your character. You can still play the way you want. You can still use hybrids.

You don't know the way I want to play. I happen to be able to want to use the same build I had pre-PoD. Something I am currently unable to do. Therefore, this statement is outright false.

But the best thing to do for the mod right now isn't to go onto the forums and share opinions about the state of the game, it's to play the game, get it populated, and actually try out the new things that have been implemented. Then, if you want to share your opinion, at least it'll be informed, and as a result I'll be better able to adapt the state of the game if a problem area is brought up.

Seeing how I am unable to log onto the servers while I am at work, this is the 2nd best option. And from what I can see, apart from some new gear, nothing new has been introduced to the game. Sure, you introduced a new leveling system, but I have played the game as a level 33 character enough in the past to know what the feels like, and I don't see how anything else you added or changed would have any effect on that. Therefore, my opinion is as informed as anyone else's who has played recently, unless you changed the fundamental combat mechanics of crpg and simply failed to document the changes on the forums here. Lastly, I have less free time than I'd like, and I want to use it wisely. If another game is more fun than playing a gimped version of crpg, then I will play that one. I'm not about to waste my time just so I can add a disclaimer to my future forum posts saying "level 33 still feels like level 33 used to, and yes I have played recently."
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Re: Can we get a real leveling system revert? Please and thank you
« Reply #4 on: November 14, 2017, 01:56:41 am »
The point of this patch is to weaken high-level builds that can abuse the combat system, and to lessen the effects of "OP" items.

Same mindset as chadz/cmp, you are true successor indeed. Mindset being: take away the fun from players.

Thing with Warband and cRPG as extension of that game is, it is too damn dynamic, combat system is way too rich to put leashes on it and that's exactly what makes vanilla game and its grinding loving cousin so damn addicting to play. Going against that never seemed to work and there were multiple attempts of it by different developers.

In general, balancing action games with complex mechanics is impossible. What game developers do is changing the balance so it favors different items/style every patch or so therefore creating an illusion that game is properly balanced and some quality work has been done. Blizzard is famous for it and many online game studios follow same practice.

Now take cRPG into account. it is mechanically way more complex than anything Blizzard has ever produced including Overwatch. Has hundreds of items with different stats and animations, there is too many actors involved, they are all player controlled, too many different animations and possible outcomes. It is not possible to reach balance in cRPG, not even an illusion of balance. Players of this mod lie to themselves that cRPG is any more balanced than vanilla Warband. It is like religious dogma, they claim it is there but it is all in there heads and can't be measured in any way.

So many words being said, best cRPG was unrestrained cRPG which was closest to vanilla mechanics. Warband developers were smart enough figure out how silly is to restrain their game, they put few tweaks here and there but other than that it is fair game to abuse the mechanics for everyone. Which is what most players did and even created a cult out of it. Good Warband/cRPG player is nothing but a skilled exploiter of game mechanics which can be broken in multiple ways.

Only meta gamers whine about so called lack of balance and they are by far the stinkiest specie of gamers out there.
« Last Edit: November 14, 2017, 02:03:46 am by Leshma »

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Re: Can we get a real leveling system revert? Please and thank you
« Reply #5 on: November 14, 2017, 04:37:48 am »
So basically what I'm getting from this is people were bitching for months about level 35 being game breaking and ruining everything, and now you're upset because you aren't level 35 anymore? The main issue was that people being multiple levels higher than the base (30/31 now) and this gets rid of that problem. Now no one is 3+ levels higher than 99% of the of players
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Re: Can we get a real leveling system revert? Please and thank you
« Reply #6 on: November 14, 2017, 04:53:58 am »
So basically what I'm getting from this is people were bitching for months about level 35 being game breaking and ruining everything, and now you're upset because you aren't level 35 anymore?

Were people bitching about that though? If any were, I was never amongst them. The "game-breaking" thing about the PoD was that people were able to go from level 35/36 to 38, giving them way more points to spend, which many ended up adding to their agi. If everyone gets an extra 2-3 levels, they all get an extra point in athletics, and overall the entire playerbase gets faster, which leads to wonkier stuff happening on the servers (trust me, I added those points into agi and the result was as some would say, "cancerous"). Despite what you may think, many people were level 35/36 pre-PoD, and those players ended up at 37/38, which is a much larger difference than you would think at first glance. Now those people who already had level 35/36 builds are level 33, leading to absolutely no variation between them and people with hundreds of millions of xp less than them. All this patch does is screw over anyone who at any point decided "I have enough looms, time to grind levels." The patch in no way punishes a vet who was level 33 or lower this whole time and retired 10,000 times such that they have any item they want MWed, while it punishes someone who instead would have rather had grinded towards a fun build that they carefully planned out all those years ago. If having a higher level is perceived to be such an advantage, might as well just purge us of all our looms as well, since those also help us 'pwn teh noobz.'
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Re: Can we get a real leveling system revert? Please and thank you
« Reply #7 on: November 14, 2017, 05:17:14 am »
If we go down that path might as well just get rid of builds since some are objectively better than others  :rolleyes:
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Re: Can we get a real leveling system revert? Please and thank you
« Reply #8 on: November 14, 2017, 05:22:05 am »
If we go down that path might as well just get rid of builds since some are objectively better than others  :rolleyes:
Isn't that what this revert is doing? Or at least severely gimping them.
No one can accuse me of not playing crpg as I always jumped on it over native if there were players on it. I have enjoyed my time in crpg through every stage pre pod to pod. Unfortunately there is nothing in this new system that makes me want to play it over native so for me it seems crpg has come to a close. I hope everything goes well for you all in the future.
« Last Edit: November 14, 2017, 05:40:22 am by Asheram »
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Re: Can we get a real leveling system revert? Please and thank you
« Reply #9 on: November 14, 2017, 05:35:15 am »
If we go down that path might as well just get rid of builds since some are objectively better than others  :rolleyes:

This patch already made us that much closer to native by basically removing leveling.
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Re: Can we get a real leveling system revert? Please and thank you
« Reply #10 on: November 14, 2017, 05:44:50 am »
I'd play if it was reverted to native with items still here.
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Re: Can we get a real leveling system revert? Please and thank you
« Reply #11 on: November 14, 2017, 09:24:16 am »
I'd play if it was reverted to native with items still here.

play mercs bruh

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Re: Can we get a real leveling system revert? Please and thank you
« Reply #12 on: November 14, 2017, 10:40:04 am »
I'd play if it was reverted to native with items still here.

Wipe, Remove Xp, Remove Looms, Everyone is STF, Keep gold but increase prices of items so you have to play a decent amount with multiplier to afford high tier items. (Just to give people an added reason to play) Profit.
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Re: Can we get a real leveling system revert? Please and thank you
« Reply #13 on: November 14, 2017, 11:41:15 am »
I'm confused. Before levels were too high and it was game breaking. It is reset back and now there is no such thing as hybrids somehow and builds arent a thing??? Just because you cant get 150 WPF in two weapon catagories doesnt mean it isn't viable. I've played the last 6 gens with under 30 WPF and I've been doing fine
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Re: Can we get a real leveling system revert? Please and thank you
« Reply #14 on: November 14, 2017, 04:32:37 pm »
I'm confused. Before levels were too high and it was game breaking. It is reset back and now there is no such thing as hybrids somehow and builds arent a thing??? Just because you cant get 150 WPF in two weapon catagories doesnt mean it isn't viable. I've played the last 6 gens with under 30 WPF and I've been doing fine

Once again, who is saying levels were too high? Sure, levels 37+ were too high, not 36 and below. And how was it "reset back" when an entirely new leveling system was introduced? The point here is that if they wanted to try out a new leveling system. They shouldn't have asked if we wanted something entirely different and then pass the new system off as "something we all voted for." All the new system does is essentially wipe out any extra grinding anyone had done in the past to get to level 34+. The "end game" in crpg, if there ever was one, was to either grind until you had a million looms, or grind until you were a high level. This patch makes one of those decisions significantly better than the other, while giving everyone who chose the other path absolutely nothing in return for their lost investment. For instance, I could have retired about 55 times, had 55 more loompoints in my inventory, and still be at the same exact level I am now.
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