It's been a bit of a bumpy road, but as of now the bugs that plagued cRPG over the summer have all been fixed. The purpose of this patch is to create a fresh start for the mod, or at least to clean up the bloated, rotting corpse of this mod, and reanimate it once more. So, we've reverted back to the pre-Patch of Destiny leveling system, with some tweaks, which should 'normalize' the balance of the game somewhat. For now, the balance changes that have been enacted since PoD will remain, but will be reviewed in time to determine if they are still relevant. Here's the actual patch notes:
Patch notesDupre/Professor: Strat has been fixed, battles are no longer frozen, and backlog of battles deleted. Additionally, fiefs now receive production points again, and since that has been broken for some time, the production points of each fief has been increased by 365.
Dupre/Professor: Couching bug on servers running WSE2 has been fixed.
Professor: Nerfed first 5 or so waves of DTV, runs should not generally wipe on one of those waves when there are 15 more to go through.
Professor: Added new DTV wave. (self-indulgent, I know)
Professor: Old maps added back to DTV map rotation, some of the newer ones removed.
Professor/Rico/Weren: New items added into game
Professor: Camel + Plated Donkey buff, slight nerf to bec, slight buff to 2d poke weapons.
Professor: Item difficulties lowered to reflect level revert.
Professor: Levels reverted back to pre- PoD.
Professor: All item pictures added to shop (will be done soon)
Dupre: Gave me support to actually get this shit done. Huge shout out to Dupre, without him I couldn't have done most of this.
I might be missing some things, will add them if I think of them.
Of course, fixes to the bugs produced by reverting levels will be fixed as soon as possible.
New XP SystemLevel, XP in old system, XP in new system
1: 0 -> 0
2: 1000 -> 3000
3: 2071 -> 18375
4: 3328 -> 34173
5: 4814 -> 50502
6: 6573 -> 67503
7: 8654 -> 85439
8: 11112 -> 104259
9: 14009 -> 124512
10: 17418 -> 146455
11: 21423 -> 170528
12: 26118 -> 197286
13: 31615 -> 227425
14: 38041 -> 261825
15: 45540 -> 301595
16: 54282 -> 348129
17: 64460 -> 403188
18: 76297 -> 468987
19: 90048 -> 548319
20: 106007 -> 762569
21: 124514 -> 762569
22: 145955 -> 907507
23: 170779 -> 1086553
24: 199497 -> 1308577
25: 232699 -> 1584752
26: 271061 -> 1929158
27: 315358 -> 2359534
28: 366482 -> 2898233
29: 425455 -> 3573418
30: 493450 -> 4420577
31: 737078 -> 8735843
32: 1322333 -> 52415058
33: 2143519 -> 209660232
34: 3696450 -> 1048301160
35: 7999020 -> 6289806960
36: 24759164 -> null
37: 110099555 -> null
38: 657839195 -> null
39: 5047436449 -> null
Additionally, the titles gained by playing the game are now obtained at different levels
Veteran: 36 -> 31
Master: 37 -> 32
Grandmaster: 38 -> 33
Legendary: 39 -> 34
Unfortunately, the patcher did not do a good job of recording the changes to item stats. That is, one patch only has the old stats, and the next patch only has the new stats. I'll look into getting this into a more readable form relatively soon here.