1. Name of your character involved: TimTheEnchanter
2. Name of offending character(s): sugar_biggums
3. Time and server, as accurately as possible: Na_1 Around 3 central time.
4. Description: Seems a little hypocritical that sugar can post a ban thread to tattle on an admin... So I will tattle on him.
"Sir_William_Wallace1" killed sugar. In return, sugar said "friend". I joked around that a ban thread would go up. He then proceeded to tk me.
5. Why you think the offender did what he did: No admins on. False sense of security.
6. Screenshots:
https://gyazo.com/32aafc5d7dc36b43ecf3b24742792b607. Names of players that can witness what happened: smn, Sir_William_Wallace1, no_Rake.