For van
Newest devblog mentions there will be no gear choosing, only predefined classes. Which is dumb, getting rid of customization for some cheaply done balance... anyway let TW know how shit it is here:,385286.msg9132717.html#msg9132717
For vanilla multiplayer? That's an improvement in my eyes, makes the multiplayer easier to balance and more fit for the competitive scene (and you can still customize with cosmetic armor), the equipment system in vanilla warband mp didn't work well, too wobbly. Crpg is pretty close to being impossible to balance thanks to that, but that's also the point why we love it so much: infinite customization of armors and builds
Theres going to be plenty of mods, so fully customizable mp characters will sooner or later come anyways
also the armies will look more uniform and not like two bunches of mercenaries charging each other (which is also fine but, as already said, will exist anyways in mods)