There are games that employ fully Newtonian model without any restrictions but only few of them managed to fit it into our depiction of space battles (so called dogfighting in space). Those games are Freespace and Independence War, both old over two decades (I-War 2 is bit younger tho). Other games are more like simulation of how space battles would actually be like, two cubes or cylinders shooting lasers at each other from huge distances.
In order to avoid jousting, Star Citizen turned down combat speeds back to pre WWII level. While Elite employ somewhat more realistic combat speeds (slightly faster than modern fighters) they put a limit on turning around yaw axis which means they treat space the same like those aircrafts were fighting in atmosphere.
Asinus was supposed to be minecrafty space game, it was doomed to fail. There are ton of those on the market right now, where you can use blocks to build spaceships.