Every drum and bass (drum'n'bass if you want to sound cool) track contains that loop of drums that goes "pap pap paparapap".
Trying to understand what's with all the hype about such mediocre genre, I read some highly scientifical articles, and I hereafter thereby conclude the following:
1. People who appreciate dnb are just dummies looking for a hugbox. They come up with rules and stuff to make the genre look very sophisticated and "technical". Unable to appreciate real music, they created their own genre with their own rules, and called it really advanced. They envy people who can actually play music, and they secretly wish they could get the approval of listeners, so instead they get approval of other people like them and suck each others' e-peens.
2. Those people are also elitist pricks. Wikipedia says "Drum and bass exhibits a full frequency response which can only be appreciated on sound systems which can handle very low frequencies, including sub-bass frequencies that are often felt more than heard." It's a DnB thing, you wouldn't understand. You mainstream pleb.
3. That drum loop is really rather annoying and I can't understand why they stick to it so much.
4. People who know all the drum and bass subgenres are comparably autistic to people who know all the metal subgenres.
5. I'm not chocolate chip cookie or anything, but people who like drum and bass are filthy untermensch.