You just yourself described what being an American means to you. McDonalds cheeseburgers and wearing sweatpants at Walmart and a history built on slavery and labor exploitation and imperialism. Those are the only reasons you are "privileged", according to this self-loathing and narrow historical perspective. Not the the ideologies, not the various philosophers and political events, not the elaboretely carved system of checks and balances and laws, nope, none of that, it's all slavery and imperialism. Of course you apply this same sort of critical theory when you judge other cultures and countries, yes, especially non-western ones? Fuck, what am I saying, you're an american SJW, the US is literally the center of the universe and nothing else exists or matters. The really important part is that you can feel good about yourself when you call for the destruction of your country and everything it built because it's like, uniquely evil and wrong and opressive, unlike those other human collectives that exist...where exactly?