[...] But the legal representative of Warlock Wireless has informed me that I am not allowed to talk about my reasons for leaving. They are considered company secrets and confidential, as stated in my employment contract.
One - legal representatiave = most of the time means a lawyer = in business dealings not someone you want to annoy if you're obligated to do something and fail to do so;
Two - In pogosan's announcement message
here, it's said that chadz and others who are leaving with him will all remain "minority shareholders" in the company, which means that this is something chadz & co
don't want to lose, and which could be taken from them if they violated any agreement - like the employment contract mentioned above.
We don't know the truthest truth as to why chadz and others had to leave - with 99% certainty it was a combination of different factors and also pressure from above for results. What we do know is that if they break the contract now by telling us things considered "company secrets", it would severly worsen their situation. Things are never easy behind the scenes, and it's easy to get riled up when you don't hear any updates for ridiculous long periods of time, but it's also very important to factor in the fact that we just
don't know everything as it's happening.