chadz tried to keep cRPG alive, and he did have some success( you're able to play it now right?). Bugs/issues would come up almost every patch. Launcher breaks, compiler breaks, server issues etc. Most of the issues I was unable to fix cause of not having access or just not knowing how to fix it. So at some point im sure chadz realized that he doesn't have the time to go back and fourth, especially right now. Pretty sure all his time is spent and focused on their game like it should be.
I haven't talked to chadz since July, and he hasn't replied back to my last 7 messages. I understand his situation though. No reason to throw insults and hold grudges.. a lot of people have spent a lot of their free time working on crpg for the past six years, not getting paid or compensated in any way. I would rather have six years of time than that chump change of 40k the community donated back in 2012(not trying sounds negative but 40k in six years is nothing).
Be patient, pretty sure no one on the donkey team are experienced professional developers(besides harald, not sure if hes touched gaming professionally though). Pretty sure this is all new to them.