New map rotation system:
Most liked maps (qmu/qmd) get bumped higher in the list, least liked maps go lower. Rotation starts from the top of the list and goes down with every map change. Give players the option to vote for rotation reset (go back to the top). When the server gets to the really bad maps and players don't like them, they can initiate a vote to start over from the top of the list, because specific map votes rarely pass. This should be all automated, so that the map list is sorted according to qmu/qmd ratio, descending. If it's possible, all maps from the database should be in rotation. The bad ones would rarely be played anyway, so it's okay.
Battle and siege servers merge:
Back when cRPG was still just barely alive, siege was almost never played because it requires many players, and it was hard to trick invite people into joining the siege server. Both siege and battle maps should be played on the same server. If people don't like siege much, then keep the ratio low, for example 1 siege map for every 5 battle maps.
Old school economy:
Less gold per tick. In the current state, gold is only a hindrance to new players (lol), while vets and nerds have milliunz. I want to feel like buying that super expensive plate armour means something, it should be a reward instead of just another item you can get whenever you want. Upkeep doesn't mean anything either. In usual battles I want to wear some medium expensive armour, and only put on the plate when I'm duelling or rolling on x5.
New multiplier:
You get +1 for winning (same as now), but lose 2 or 3 for losing, instead of going back to x1. Also no limit because racing heart and rock hard erection at x10 feels good.