1. Name of your character involved xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
2. Name of offending character(s) Haralt_de_Mont_Gomery
3. Time and server, as accurately as possible EU1 Battle 13:00
4. Written description of what happened, the whole story. Also what happened before and after. I log into the server, start running and using some voice commands, the guy runs up to me and kills me without any reason
5. Why you think the offender did what he did.* Because he's a cunt, besides that, I honestly don't know. I didn't even interact with him, I don't even know who the fuck he is lmfao
6. Multiple Screenshots
https://i.gyazo.com/731f90187e9b7c7e8826cb635734df93.jpg https://i.gyazo.com/ad1562cbf604973564f004f0ac65d22e.jpg7. Names of players who witnessed what happened.** Botulism and Wilkor