Gun platform anyone?
No Xant here saying that guns aren't the issue because just as many people die in attacks where guns are only kinda partially involved?
What a retarded post, even for you. There are gun attacks where no one dies (but the perpetrator, and sometimes not even him). And the truck guy killed MORE people with a truck than the vast, vast, vast majority of people ever manage to kill with guns, even when not working alone. And vehicles are available much easier than guns.
You've got to be willfully ignorant or suffer from some heavy cognitive dissonance to not understand why the "ban the guns" agenda makes no sense when talking about stopping terrorism, right after witnessing someone kill 84 people with a truck in record time, and none of that is changed because some Afghani attacks people with an axe. But I guess understanding this would take some rudimentary logical ability, so hey, no surprise.