People are being called to the streets for the so-called "democracy shifts". Text messages keep popping up in my phone at least 3 times a day. One from my hometown's MP, one from my hometown's mayor, one from the mayor of the district of İstanbul I live in. They want me to come out. What would that even accomplish? Giving terrorists an invitation for a nice bombing? And people are indeed going out on the streets. They listen to some preachers and go back. But it is repeatedly done everyday. Recently they also started chanting lines like "death to the seculars", without even asking themselves whatever the fuck anything has anything to do with seculars. More importantly, everyone gives everyone else this irritated suspecting gazelle look. Everyone is on the edge, waiting to be pushed.
In the meantime, the Kurdish leader also gave hints that they might be intending to call Kurds to the streets for whatever reason. And as I wrote above, the Gezi business is so on. Might I remind you what happened the last time he attempted to do that?
The state of emergency will mean a lot of restrictions, arbitrary curfews, freedom to shoot people etc. etc.
By the way, on the day following the coup, when people started their first "democracy shift", some provocateur tried to drive the crowd into an Alevite neighborhood. He almost succeeded. People were definitely down for a bloody raid.
Yes, people are trying things. What is most important is that the Tard has actually seen that he is capable of instigating mindless crowds to do his lethal biddings. Remember, during the Gezi protests, he actually threatened the demonstrators that "he was barely keeping his followers at their homes". Now that he has successfully tried it, he realizes he can indeed convince them to come out, that they are indeed so extremely fanatical that they could even put their lives on the line for a retarded cause.
Do the math for yourself. There are many other dangerous details and risks out there. Add to those the stupidity of people and all that could come out of such tight security measures, and you will see the threat.