
the PANOS is...

Correct, as usual.
a piece of shit
a blessing to this community
Fucking ban him already
Le Run!

Author Topic: LIVE YOUR MYTH IN FRANCE.  (Read 33616 times)

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« Reply #135 on: July 19, 2016, 07:25:11 pm »

"Armed man holed up in hotel in southern France

"A deranged man is holed up in the Formule 1 hotel," the spokeswoman told Reuters, referring to a cheap motel chain.

The man's motives were not immediately known and police were at the scene, about 130 kilometers (81 miles) north of Marseille, she added.

The hotel near the A7 motorway was evacuated and the man was thought to be armed with a knife and may have an explosive device, a local gendarme officer said separately.

"The man is thought to have had a row with the manager," a local officer added. "We are waiting for negotiators."

The hotel has been cordoned off and the Marseille bomb squad was on its way, he said."

Probably just another random case, let's not rush to judgement. If it does end up the man is a muslim, we can start speculating on exactly what caused it, the imperialist colonialism of the West, the discrimination towards poor opressed muslims, the wealth and power disparities imposed by our racist and intolerant culture, etc.
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Offline Butan

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« Reply #136 on: July 19, 2016, 07:28:01 pm »
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Offline Oberyn

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« Reply #137 on: July 19, 2016, 07:50:45 pm »
I was only half-kidding about not rushing to judgement, but the "possible explosive device" part is what really sealed the deal for me. If these sorts of events start happening close enough together it might even overcome the goldfish like memory of regressives when it comes to islamic violence and terrorism, but that's optimistic.
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« Reply #138 on: July 19, 2016, 07:53:58 pm »
Could be vanity, not just cuckism. Imagine yourself being big shot police inspector, solving difficult cases and making psycho profiles of killers. Tracking them, doing detective work. All of us a sudden, them interesting killers are replaced by ordinary people listening to word of preachers to kill infidels. That simple. No special motives, no violent background, no childhood abuse, nothing juicy or interesting to show off your investigator skills. Only thing left for you is to get in front of camera and say, it is another pawn of Islamic State. They can put anyone in front of camera to do the exact same thing. Sucks, doesn't it. Therefore you will lie to yourself and claim it is something more complicated, when really it ain't. Partly because your feelings are hurt, also to save your ass in future in case global austerity measures hit your precinct.

Offline Oberyn

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« Reply #139 on: July 19, 2016, 07:56:55 pm »

"Radicalized" taxi driver arrested, typical Daesh propaganda on his cellphone, explosives found at his home. Another victim of atrocious Western imperialism, when will it end? I extend my sympathies to all muslims who are the real victims of such scum pretending to act in their name.
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Offline Angantyr

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« Reply #140 on: July 19, 2016, 08:04:56 pm »
Besides actual embittered family members of victims from the recent invasions, Western colonialism and the Iraq War and the support for Israel etc. are used as some of the lies and half-truths Islamist recruiters use in their propaganda to lure young idiots into their ranks. But let us not be unmindful that most of the Jihadi organizations are perfectly open about fighting not against some grave injustice but for global Islamic revolution, a great caliphate or even judgement day, and that there is Islamic terrorism not only against Christians and Jews but against Buddhists, Hindus and Sikh in South Asia, in countries such as Thailand, India, Indonesia and the Phillipenes. Everywhere on Islam's borders, basically, including internal.

Offline Xant

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« Reply #141 on: July 19, 2016, 08:10:09 pm »
Let's not forget things like World Trade Center bombing and 9/11, the shit about "War on Terror" being the cause of terrorism is just that, shit. Does Islam get a few more radical recruits because of War on Terror? Sure. Is that any reason to just take it sitting down and paint #pray4yurop&US with crayons on the ground after attacks, so as not to anger the Muslims further? Obviously not.
Meaning lies as much
in the mind of the reader
as in the Haiku.

Offline Tibes

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« Reply #142 on: July 19, 2016, 08:18:57 pm »
Well that's incredibly vague and unrealistic.

Treat an entire religion that exists within your country already as a criminal organisation?

But heaven forbid I accuse you of wanting to deport them lol. So, how EXACTLY is that going to work? Because people will still worship it, and openly, so you arrest every single practicing muslim in your country. I'm the one being unrealistic? Lol

Ban it. So simple! Wow.

How. Exactly. Is. That. Going. To. Work

20th July 2016, suddenly a major religion in your country is illegal. Everyone worshipping that religion is suddenly breaking the law. Think that through.
Trials will need to happen, prison space needs to be arranged, riots and protests from those Islamic or otherwise who think this is a retarded idea need to be shut down. Not everyone will go quietly, people will defend themselves or defend their neighbours. Newspapers will have a field day about how progressive everyone is being with open conflict in every major city, dead police and dead suspects of worshipping a forbidden religion who didn't manage to survive the arrest.

And this is assuming 100% of law enforcement support the idea, and what of evil muslim policemen who need to be detained first and foremost, can you guarantee you've caught them all?
What of the people who don't want to be found, at least some % of the religion will go underground.

And whilst all this is happening, you think the number of attacks will stop or go down? The existing radicals will flock to you, the existing moderates will have to fight or swallow a massive breach of one of our fundamental freedoms and renounce their religion or go to jail. Non-muslims who have a major issue with such a backwards law being put in place and the serious breach of values held dear by their culture/society/country will have a thing or 2 to say about it too.

Ofcourse the number of attacks wont go. I never claimed it would. Nothing I claim has anything to do with terrorist attacks. Because they are completely random and there isnt much we can do besides be more vigilant. And by 'ban' I ment discourage practice. Im no psychopath, throwing people into jail for religious beliefs is too hotblooded even for me. Insult their god in the worst ways possible. See if they can take it. Anyone that legimately goes on a violent rage and wants to start stabbing people, because his religion or culture was insulted isn't worthy to be on Western soil in my book. Doesnt matter if christian, atheist, muslim, white or black. But quite often than not, its muslims that lose their shit the easiest and most often.

Because Western tolerance and freedom means that I can shit over everything you believe in, you can shit over everything I believe in, we both shut the fuck up eventually and we go back to work. Thats tolerance in a modern society. Nobody gets a pass. Currently muslims get a pass because nonmuslims are legimately scared of getting brutally murdered. And its not that much of a unreasonable fear either. Thats not freedom Heskey.

Some danish guy for example did some caricatures like 10 years ago, insulting Mohammed and the local islamists there still spit on the hands of the people that gave them asylum etc. Not only that half the middle east lost their shit. Tolerant religion of peace my ass. Cant even tolerate comics....
« Last Edit: July 19, 2016, 08:23:55 pm by Tibes »

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« Reply #144 on: July 19, 2016, 08:37:05 pm »
I really dont understand these cases of "fast radicalisation". 50% of me tells me that Daesh could over-claim some attacks, 50% of me ask how can a normal guy switch from moderate islam to "wahhabist" islam (or whatever, sorry Overdriven but I dont fully believe your theory^^).

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« Reply #145 on: July 19, 2016, 08:53:13 pm »
You can't be seriously denying that the War on terror, as in Iraq Invasion and follow up missions, is a serious factor that contributed to the current situation. Same as Gulf Wars, Pahlavi, sykes pikot, creation of Israels, etc. It all matters.
Many people who currently say: "Stay the fuck away from those countries, we only will make matters worse like in the past, peace is the only solution" have a similar longing for a simple solution like those of you that are suggesting things like banning all muslim, nuking them, etc. It just isn't as simple as that, either way.

Offline Angantyr

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« Reply #146 on: July 19, 2016, 08:56:19 pm »
Some danish guy for example did some caricatures like 10 years ago, insulting Mohammed and the local islamists there still spit on the hands of the people that gave them asylum etc. Not only that half the middle east lost their shit. Tolerant religion of peace my ass. Cant even tolerate comics....
The cartoonist was named Kurt Vestergaard, he has received numerous death threats and two attempts on his life. Once in his house with his five-year-old granddaughter a 28-year-old Somali tried to kill him with an axe. Same story in other countries, many artists are now under full police protection or have had to go into hiding. Early Islamist attempts to combat European free expression was the global Fatwah against Salman Rushdie for writing The Satanic Verses. And Theo van Gogh in Holland, who was killed for criticising the treatment of women in Islam by Mohammed Bouyeri, a 26-year-old Dutch-Moroccan citizen, who then tried to decapitate his corpse on the open street (reminiscent of Lee Rigby the British soldier who was hacked to death by two Africans on the streets of southeast London). Or Ayaan Hirsi Ali, the female activist working for a reformation of Islam who've had to flee Holland, or Geert Wilders who can only do his political work under serious police protection. And these are not isolated cases.

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« Reply #147 on: July 19, 2016, 08:56:24 pm »
I really dont understand these cases of "fast radicalisation". 50% of me tells me that Daesh could over-claim some attacks, 50% of me ask how can a normal guy switch from moderate islam to "wahhabist" islam (or whatever, sorry Overdriven but I dont fully believe your theory^^).

Western left wing ideology instigates them, it solidifies their belief that what they are doing are right from two angles, one from the left-wing western hating parties, the other from Islam. Some German politicians posted on twitter that they were angry that the police had shot the axe wielding T, saying it was excessive force.

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« Reply #148 on: July 19, 2016, 09:04:54 pm »
Western left wing ideology instigates them, it solidifies their belief that what they are doing are right from two angles, one from the left-wing western hating parties, the other from Islam. Some German politicians posted on twitter that they were angry that the police had shot the axe wielding T, saying it was excessive force.

Stupid Künast, that twitter was so fucking stupid only hours after the incident before anything knew anything is widely condemned by everyone. She played right-wings and nationalist right in the cards with that comment.

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« Reply #149 on: July 19, 2016, 09:11:52 pm »
You can't be seriously denying that the War on terror, as in Iraq Invasion and follow up missions, is a serious factor that contributed to the current situation. Same as Gulf Wars, Pahlavi, sykes pikot, creation of Israels, etc. It all matters.
Many people who currently say: "Stay the fuck away from those countries, we only will make matters worse like in the past, peace is the only solution" have a similar longing for a simple solution like those of you that are suggesting things like banning all muslim, nuking them, etc. It just isn't as simple as that, either way.
Who are you referring to when you say "you" here? No one since your last post fully qualifies to be the subject of this quoted text based upon the content of any of the recent posts.
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