
the PANOS is...

Correct, as usual.
a piece of shit
a blessing to this community
Fucking ban him already
Le Run!

Author Topic: LIVE YOUR MYTH IN FRANCE.  (Read 33618 times)

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Offline Xant

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« Reply #90 on: July 18, 2016, 02:26:19 pm »
Haha, so hilarious that Xant again and again is on about peoples reading comprehension while he himself gets taken in by some completely irrational texts from holocaust deniers.
Haha, so hilarious that the Bloody Nine is still butthurt about something completely unrelated. Must be hard to be an emotional mess like you, my sympathies. Also, believing in stupid things you read has nothing to do with reading comprehension, you moron.
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in the mind of the reader
as in the Haiku.

Offline Christo

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« Reply #91 on: July 18, 2016, 02:28:13 pm »
wow guys, it was only a silly question to poke panos  :lol: drama space created
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Offline Xant

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« Reply #92 on: July 18, 2016, 02:33:00 pm »
Christo: "Why did the citizen call the police when the bank robber showed up at his doorstep instead of hiding him in his basement?"
Xant: "Why would the citizen hide the bank robber in his basement? Why wouldn't he call the police?"
Turkretard: "Oh, I don't know, HIDING HIM IN HIS BASEMENT, maybe?"
Xant: "What? "Hiding him in his basement" doesn't answer the "why" question."
Turkretard: "Hurr durrrr, if the citizen decided to hide the bank robber in his basement, that would be a reason WHY he would not call the police and WHY he would give shelter to him. Now, as to why the citizen would hide him in his basement, u never asked that question!!!"
Meaning lies as much
in the mind of the reader
as in the Haiku.

Offline Overdriven

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« Reply #93 on: July 18, 2016, 02:33:40 pm »
I'm so confused  :?

Offline Vibe

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« Reply #94 on: July 18, 2016, 02:39:48 pm »
I'm so confused  :?

when do you explode

Offline Leshma

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« Reply #95 on: July 18, 2016, 02:40:57 pm »
Of course, I knew HESKEY would defend his position of 'freedom for everything and everyone'. Completely being oblivious to problem at hand. Terrorist attacks across Europe aren't reason why we should minimize influence of Islam (when I mentioned Stalin, I said easy way not the right way to do it). Nor its loss of our culture, being replaced with Islamic culture and customs. I honestly don't care whose customs will be adopted by general society, because I don't care much about them. Main reason why Islam is dangerous for Europe and why Sweden aren't helping other than giving valid reason to people across Europe to vote right wing, is situation in countries with mostly Islamic population. You can blame New World Order, USA, NATO, claim it is conspiracy against brown people and Islam but those are weak arguments. You can't prove any of that.

Only obvious conclusion is, in muslim countries people live shitty lives. People in western Europe don't. Therefore if Islam becomes major force in EU, our children will live poorly and we don't want that. I'm not against people, because I don't believe that religion breed people. It does brainwash them very successfully. We should fight teaching, not people. And we should start doing that awhile ago, minimal at first then raise the bar until policies start showing results.

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« Reply #96 on: July 18, 2016, 02:42:42 pm »
Christo: "Why did the citizen call the police when the bank robber showed up at his doorstep instead of hiding him in his basement?"
Xant: "Why would the citizen hide the bank robber in his basement? Why wouldn't he call the police?"
Turkretard: "Oh, I don't know, HIDING HIM IN HIS BASEMENT, maybe?"
Xant: "What? "Hiding him in his basement" doesn't answer the "why" question."
Turkretard: "Hurr durrrr, if the citizen decided to hide the bank robber in his basement, that would be a reason WHY he would not call the police and WHY he would give shelter to him. Now, as to why the citizen would hide him in his basement, u never asked that question!!!"

First post I'd upvote if I could upvote

Offline Angantyr

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« Reply #97 on: July 18, 2016, 03:11:35 pm »
Control who comes into our countries, only take in people who seem worthwhile (standard procedure in the past and still currently the policy in sane societies such as the Australian) and only in numbers that they can be assimilated and to get the number of immigrants down proportionally (below 10% of the population, preferably 5%), and combat actively the spread of fundamentalist ideas.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2016, 03:14:48 pm by Angantyr »

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« Reply #98 on: July 18, 2016, 03:17:05 pm »
Control who comes into our countries, only take in people who seem worthwhile (standard procedure in the past and still currently the policy in sane societies such as the Australian) and only in numbers that they can be assimilated and to get the number of immigrants down proportionally (below 10% of the population, preferably 5%), and combat actively the spread of fundamentalist ideas. Think few of us are asking for anything more.

That is actually something I can get behind too.

Offline Falka

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« Reply #99 on: July 18, 2016, 03:22:55 pm »
Control who comes into our countries, only take in people who seem worthwhile (standard procedure in the past and still currently the policy in sane societies such as the Australian) and only in numbers that they can be assimilated and to get the number of immigrants down proportionally (below 10% of the population, preferably 5%), and combat actively the spread of fundamentalist ideas.

I'm with you on that, but I think that's not what Panos has in mind when he says about "destroying the muslim scum".
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Offline Leshma

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« Reply #100 on: July 18, 2016, 03:51:57 pm »
We have an issue with people who are already in EU and can't be returned. How do you plan to return them back to Syria? Turkey won't hear about it. Mass migration via planes?

Cherry picking who gets in EU is past us. More than million people already migrated to Germany, Sweden and other EU countries.

I'll defend a position of 'how exactly do you plan to 'minimize influence' of Islam in a way that will not do more harm than good'.

If we keep doings things this way, trying to uphold our values we fought so hard to obtain, think that end result will be disastrous. Oberyn and Angantyr support nationalism but they seem to ignore the fact that those who brutally killed soldiers in Turkey are also nationalists. Doubt they stand for pointless killing of people, even those of different race or culture. But that is going to happen if we go keep forcing extremes on both sides. More violent extreme will prevail. Not saying that we have too many people capable of such actions in EU, but if this thread of hatred keeps unfolding, what we're going to get in the end will horrify you.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2016, 03:58:54 pm by Leshma »

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« Reply #101 on: July 18, 2016, 05:43:38 pm »
Panos you fucking cunt

Offline Butan

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« Reply #102 on: July 18, 2016, 06:42:47 pm »
Cherry picking who gets in EU is past us. More than million people already migrated to Germany, Sweden and other EU countries.

Millions already migrated, but if nothing changes it will be 10x that number in the next decades and then big problems could arise; today is still the time to act, if a migration reform is to be done it is not at all too late. I could even say that today the "european migration crisis" is a crisis only locally at epicenters of migrations, Europe by and large is still largely doing okay so there is still a lot to "save" (if you consider that migration would save something).

Offline Grytviken

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« Reply #103 on: July 18, 2016, 06:54:22 pm »
Just let them rant and rave.

It's obvious that the 'progressives' of this forum have only thought as far ahead as 'lets all say that islam I shit, and agree that islam is shit, and talk about DRASTIC ACTION' but never elaborate or go into detail about what that drastic action would be, because they don't know.

Because we live in the real world and let's imagine, for the sake of argument, that everyone in this forum or in a country agreed 'islam is dumb, hurr durr'. That alone isn't going to miraculously stop attacks from happening, no more than the 'tolerance' we have now which is somehow flaunted by the braindead and sexually frustrated as something which society has ever claimed is somehow supposed to be a magic forcefield against terror attacks? 'Hurr hurr, good one leftists your 'tolerance' didn't stop that truck' or 'your tolerance didn't stop those bullets', well neither did any amount of anti-islam circle-jerk (of which there is plenty).

The question has to be, so you have a problem with Islam, what you gonna do about it?

If the answer is 'nothing', then you truly are the king of all cucks, because at least 'leftists' have an end-goal in all this and not taking 'drastic action' (ambiguous) because that would harm the intended end-goal.

But if someone has identified 'this religion is a problem and always will be', and doesn't have in mind a practical solution for 'solving' that problem without going full Nazi (and is not prepared to go that far), then that person is the most infantile backseat driver of them all. Content to always play the role of 'I told you so', when nobody ever even argued that we were living in a utopia where terrorism is impossible, cos I'm pretty sure we're all aware that terrorism is a thing.

Someone thinks their ideology is progressive, can save lives, make their country stronger? Tell me how. The reason the defensive regressive rightists always leap to 'b b b b but you call me a chocolate chip cookie, waaaaaaaa' is because they've yet to come up with a solution that does not include Nazi-like concepts deportation, camps or worse, of a society that exists on the basis of the second class citizen based purely on religious belief. And how are you going to deport the people who were born in your country? And where do you deport them to? Which other country is ever going to agree to that? Who's going to pay for it? What if the people you're trying to deport refuse? What if they dont all wear nametags with 'im a muslim' written on it, y'know, selfishly make your cleanse harder than it sounds at first glance on a retarded videogame forum. And at the end of the day, for all the effort and disruption, and cost, and hatred you'll garner even from well-to-do non-muslims within your country are any of those steps actually going to make you *less* of a terror target? Fat fucking chance.

I never mentioned deporting all Muslims but I sure as shit wouldn't want more coming knowing the facts that more Islam = more terrorism, it's just a fact and you are in denial if you think otherwise. Refugees cannot be vetted, two Muslim Chechens who were given the world here decided to murder Americans because they wanted revenge against Russia, makes sense.... The left wing is slowly becoming the party of death because they are allowing innocent people to be killed with their agenda. I'm saying the religion should be boycotted, and treated like any other criminal organization until major overhauls take place within it's structure.

Lefties would protest the Catholic church over a sex abuse scandal but defend a different religion (Islam) that is responsible for mass murder by calling all people who speak against it "Islamophobes". I stopped supporting the Catholic Church because I thought the organization was immoral after this information became well known, so again I have no sympathy for people who cannot stop supporting and defending a religion that condones mass murder.
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« Last Edit: July 18, 2016, 07:02:49 pm by Grytviken »

Offline Falka

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« Reply #104 on: July 18, 2016, 07:14:49 pm »
Oberyn clearly objects to your statement, but will not enlighten us all by stating what was so wrong with it.

Oberyn is pretty quiet when it comes to question what exactly should be done, yes.

Lefties would protest the Catholic church over a sex abuse scandal but defend a different religion (Islam) that is responsible for mass murder by calling all people who speak against it "Islamophobes".

You're talking about all of them, lefties?
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