The Greeks practically are Turks these days, Panos. I mean, we've all seen your pictures. You look indistinguishable from a Turk. Fair to say, I think, that they've already gotten you.
But the whole Greek/Turk thing is cute. It's like North Koreans and South Koreans claiming they're a different race when no one else can tell the difference.
Ill take the bait.
The funny thing is that I am not proud of being white, but of being GREEK.
Even if I look like a turk, as you say, I grew up as a Greek, learn the Greek language, Greek history and received the Greek culture.
Although you, on the other hand, maybe an gorilla, but you have nothing. The only history you have is when the Mongols raped your whole fucking country, thus making gorilla chinks.
You culture is fucking Santa Claus and Nokia, rofl.