It's not like you consider dem muslems fully human either.
Based on generalizations that are sensible to utilize to describe this particular event:
Jihadis are Muslems first, humans third or fourth the biological sex identification and nationality often trumps the identification as human.
If this is correct, then it is only respectful to them to say that they are "less human" according to their own beliefs.
This does not justify treating them as less than humans(unless you believe they are less than humans yourself), it is only an acknowledgement of their beliefs.
Person A: All humans have the rights X
Person B: Only Hobokremsians have the rights Y and obligations Z. X does not apply when in conflict with Y or Z.
Person A & B should acknowledge their beliefs, but still act according to his own.
Person A & B should not compromise his beliefs or delude himself in to thinking that Person B or A deep down within knows the true and universal correct and pure beliefs.
Person A & B should have a battle of ideas, where arguments are the weapons, and the best idea, not the best person, is the victor of the conflict.
It is technically correct, if you identify with anything other than being human you are forsaking/limiting your identification as a human, the same goes for any label used for identification.
It's like you have 100 points dude! Then you spend them on various traits, for example:
What are you(self-deluded/convinced you are):
Human(or other species?), Various Ideologies, religions, sexual preferences, gender, (biological-)sex, nationality, age group, individual uniqueness.
As soon as you accept any of these traits you are self-deluding yourself to become loss-averse(and other stuff, loss-aversion is the most important IMO) for the collectivist label you adopted and it is a crutch for low self-confidence(I'm X, therefore I tap in to the strength of X to externalize the solution, because X is my savior).
For example:
If someone identifies as a: Cat, Cosmopolitan, Floridian, Gender fluid, bi-sexual, male, Cultural marxist, atheist+ and infant.
Then it is rational that this person would act for Cat-rights, Florida's interests and All the world's, Pro mandatory gender identity/sexual orientation adoration, Pro-men's right to be whatever they like(except traditional macho man), Cultural Marxist propagator(aka. I'm always the victim otherwise I MUST white-knight for the victims), Atheism is about everything that's not accepted by traditional conservative Christians and finally the right to identify as any age and be respected bureaucratically as that age.
Inconsistencies are always present, to differing degrees, it depends on the amount of rational thinking and/or self-reflection that the individual has done...
It also depends on how many collectivist labels you have adopted that always(99,9% rounded up) have overlap and inherent contradictions.
If you identify as a muslem(or Defender of western civilization, neo-nationalsocialist, common sense mainstream effeminate naive anti uni/mono-culturalist) you have inescapably picked a team, and all of a sudden humanity, as a whole, has a competing magnetic pole for your moral compass.