The only way out of being a third world country is Bernie. It's far from over, and seeing as Bernie is winning over Trump in the polls with double digits and Shillary isn't, the super delegates will most likely, I think, see clear on the 25th of July. The entire fucking system is retarded tho. America isn't a demcracy, if the votings happened European style and the entire government wasnt corrupt, Bernie would be leading now, guaranteed.
Is not the bulk of Europe's nations a multi party system, where there are dozens of parties running? I saw Spain, or Portugal have a lot of different parties run, and each take seats, but Austria seemed to be between two parties only.
Either way thats why the U.S. system is so awful. We are not forced into the two party system, but...we are forced into a two party system. In recent times, the one breakaway from this was the Tea Party, and regardless how one views them, it worked, till the Republicans tore it apart as best they could. The Democrats seem to be getting their taste of it roughly a decade latter with Bernie. He "could" run as a third party, but I don't see that happening, and there is no way in hell the old cunt is going to give up a shot at the white house.
Fact is every American I have talked to, from all walks of life, hate this shit, but most don't see a way around it. Those that do go for the libertarian party, who are a joke at the moment, while the rest just vote for red, or blue, literally, the colors, not the person(or party really) running.
Speaking of parties, I think I might be registered to the Bull Moose party. When I got my Driver ID, they had me register to vote, then wanted to know what party I wanted to be registered to, I was being a smartass, and told them the Bull Moose party. Of like the 6 registered parties(this was before the tea party) it was not on there. I blew a gasket, and said screw it, and left. I was clearly joking, but the women was so hardhearted about it I think she might have actually added it to the local system, with me as its first member, hahah.