1. Name of your character involved:
-DaRkSouL_Gjallar2. Name of offending character(s)
-Ragnar_Lothbrok and MUHOO3- Time and server, as accurately as possible
- EU 1 , around 15-20 minutes ago.
4- Written description of what happened, the whole story. Also what happened before and after.
So, i have no idea who they are, i killed them lots of times 3-4 maps ago, they got salty and then they started swearing at me and all other turkish players online atm , they kept insulting and trolling for the next 3 maps until i realised there is no way to talk sense into them so i muted them and told them that i muted them. then they th me since they cant troll me with their words anymore. you can see just a small example of their insulting in the ss just before they th me. (you can see it but cant understand it since its in turkish, appearantly they got some fantasies about my mom amd my arse
) they said they are old players, i guess they came back to troll around. sad.
5- Why you think the offender did what he did
-Griefing, trolling, being salty, you name it.6- Screenshot
7- Names of players who witnessed what happened
- Merc_BlackB_ThePimp and 700mlFree_Norse_Juice and others can be seen in the ss.