Sounds awesome. I just have too many questions, hope you can answer some.
Can we set our family members to do actions while we are not playing them ? Will it be represented in the world (meaning if I set one of my guys to the mine, will a bot do the stuff ?), and can it be killed then ?
As stated before, if there are a lot of bots to kill in the game, a lot of bots will be killed and this might get frustrating to log in and see everybody is dead while you were out. But if the bot is not in the world, what stops you from massively gathering resources while offline (as a ghost) and then break the local economy ?
Do you plan on adding "policeman", will they be stupidly strong ?
I particularly loved the persistent world mod for m&b and it had some of the features you plan on adding, but everybody had to roleplay to make it really work. My fear is that non roleplayer could diminish my interest in the world by "world of warcrafting" like stupids. Do you have any plan to make people more involved in the world ? Public debates, executions ... ?