I was the "NA guy" on this battle (ping is only due to my connection, fuck my life but yeah this is not the matter).
I can witness what happened here, i took a screenshot of the banpoll against Russian_Paratrooper (check this link:
http://imgur.com/GmrzyPg), unfortunately, when they banpolled me, i was fighting, so, no screenshot of this moment.
On the screenshot they were complaining about us doing our best defending this town, and i personnally think we would have been able to keep it ours for ages. Those people just got bored to chase us in town and thought that as they got the majority required for banpoll us, they would be able to do it. You are complaining about bugged flags or something, but y
ou still got ladders to go anywhere, so this reason is worthless. I know that u guys have lost a 600 army a few days ago because of that global cRPG database error, but that's still not a reason for you to act this way.
The following is off-topic, i'm just talking to those guys from the Northern Alliance. I'm talking as an individual player.
You know, it's been four years i play cRPG, three years I play on the Strategus map. In three years, i've seen many things that really pissed me off, for example when the UIF went to war against weak factions, outnumbering them by far. But when they did that,
they were playing according to the game rules (some skyladders, but that was all). The events Bugnir and I witnessed there show clearly the huge lack of fairplay u guys have. It is because of the behaviour of players of your kind that Strategus (and cRPG in general) dies slowly. You really should be ashamed by attacking an AFK faction and taking over everything they got, when they can't defend themselves...
Honestly, I played A LOT of battles on your side during three years. I personnally don't like UIF that much, because of the way they played on the previous editions of Strategus, but considering the way you decided to play Strategus the latest weeks, i don't give you my trust anymore for the same reasons. And that's why I won't let this offense unpunished.