I almost feel like they're not the same creature. Kind of like how the Japanese "oni" is often translated as "ogre" but it's not really the same thing. He got horns and control a thunder and lightnin' what kinda ogre is that??
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Their myths are so complex and there are so many types of dragons, it basically has nothing to do with the western dragon, the obvious difference is they consider them celestial beings devoid of earthly traits such as good or evil, they are above those concepts. It has to do with buddism and their quest to traverse Samsara where good evil and such earthly concepts don't exist and are irrelevant. To put it simply the dragon can't do wrong or good, they just do what is right/correct. In some myths a Dragon will flood the village killing everybody but saving 5 other villages with that action, it is not considered good or evil but the right thing to do on a cosmic level.
On the other hand dragons in the west in view of christian church were always considered evil and demonic (same as serpants), there are even hero saints slaying dragons.
On the look of eastern dragons, they typically have the head of a camel, horns or a deer, eyes of a hare, scales of a carp, paws of a tiger, and claws resembling those of an eagle. In addition it has whiskers, a bright jewel under its chin, and a measure on the top of its head which enables it to ascend to Heaven at will. It's a general description and has many variations.
About Oni, the same thing goes for many other deities, Oni, Fudo Myo of a Hannya mask would look like devil/satan to a western christian, yet it has quite different meaning and symbolism in eastern culture. I have a Hannya mask tattoo and have been asked several times why did I choose to tattoo a demon or a devil on myself and even once how do I go to church with that thing