Items - all items from shop. Ye, it's kinda pointless but with wiki tables you'll be able to sort all items by any criteria, see screens of players wearing it, read if it suits your build and most important imo to see stats of secondary modes of weapons that can be seen only in game.
I just wanted to say that you can sort items on the website too (checkboxes for "only show items I can use," limit by weight or length, and etc. Secondary mode stats would be helpful, but I don't think you need to retread anything that's shown on the crpg website.
I think strat should be the biggest section on the wiki, since it's the unique part of crpg that other M&B mods don't have. It's also very hard to get started if you have no idea what you are doing. Many of us have been there, however long ago.
Beginner's guide and nerd stats can often be found on taleworlds forum the real basics of the game are just M&B with some tweaks here and there. If you include a "getting started" page it should make clear what mechanics are different from vanilla M&B since 99.9% of the people that find crpg own and have played vanilla M&B.