I'll be playing both I'm sure. The siege mechanics in Bannerlord look pretty sick from the teasers I've seen, that's what I'm most excited about- if anyone ever makes something akin to Strategus on it, the catapults will actually work, the rams will be in, sieges may actually be pretty fun! Even single player looks like it will be fairly improved due to small tweaks like that, stuff that would have been in originally if they had more time and budget.
And of course I'll be playing OKaM faithfully as well!
What happens to our looms? They collect dust and are useless. People who illegally sold looms for cash money back in the heyday of cRPG had the right idea, I was never savvy enough to do it and didn't want to get perma'd either, because while I can play without looms, I still want to play haha.