Author Topic: The Trumphog has seen its shadow  (Read 24278 times)

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Re: The Trumphog has seen its shadow
« Reply #135 on: August 02, 2016, 03:14:34 am »
I think there is a misunderstanding. The subject is not what does the "violent people" do politically as rule of thumb, its the other way around: those that have "anti-police" as a part of their political positionings and the fact that their methods to "change the police" include violence (verbal and physical harassment, ignoring orders, resisting arrests, supporting rulebreakers, rioting, etc... I merely repeat the previous "vague" post), or at the barest they offer passive resistance to the rule of law which is obstruction.
There is a couple "peaceful politics" methods (discussing like we are, filming police work, interacting with police normally, or their rep, or taking it up the political/legal chain), and this is good.

Where do you stand?  :)
If you stand by the first part, sorry but you are not a "political activist" but simply a pain in the ass.

There appears to be.

I'm definitely not anti-police. I've never had a bad experience with a live person doing that job. But it can be dysfunctional, just like any other part of society. And being an important part of a society, it shouldn't be ignored if it starts blowing up smoke instead of running smoothly.

Going the political/legal route would be optimal. Fixing broken policies and police training. The environment in which the police operate deserves a long look at it too.

Constant resistance to the police, no matter what the situation, would be simply counter-productive.
Though some of those broken policies have led to a number of people perceiving the police to be always against them. What can we expect them to do?

People 100% compliant with police instructions getting shot is not helping the situation.

Those are the "violent people" that have anti-police as their "political proclivities".
If you're not, thats great, lets keep chatting  :mrgreen:

(Sorry for the late edit, wanted to make perfectly sure everything was clear)

No worries.

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Re: The Trumphog has seen its shadow
« Reply #136 on: August 02, 2016, 02:02:23 pm »
Sorry if I instantly supposed you were more radical than that, I tend to be very pessimistic about this kind of stuff  :)
At the same time, I feel that way because I can understand that the non-violent methods can be very slow to change things, which can push people, especially youngsters, to want to make it happen quicker with more stringent measures that they feel are justified, get my drift?  :mrgreen:
Funny thing is I also share this impatience, but on different topics; on most of police related stuff in the world, I see it as being a part of the human condition: policemen arent robots, mistakes happens, bad people can get in, the system need to be checked everyday. Which is a very mild and barely comprehensible stance to some that think THE SYSTEM IS ENTIRELY CORRUPTED  :twisted:  :wink:

Going back on the topic we had on hands:

People 100% compliant with police instructions getting shot is not helping the situation.

If you believe the police version (I know, madness!), this is just a poor way to describe the situation since the guy being 100% compliant was not targeted and the police apologised to him. Some situations are simply unfortunate. So to bring up this as a part of a representative police problem is like the "hands up, dont shoot!" reddit stupidity to me. It is simply the way things happened as part of a confused situation where callers told the cops that someone had a gun and threatened someone's life with it, + unaccuracy of a police officer. The black guy could have caught the bullet in the head, or the autist himself, and the situation wouldnt have changed one bit, it would be just even less fortunate.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2016, 02:09:11 pm by Butan »

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Re: The Trumphog has seen its shadow
« Reply #138 on: August 04, 2016, 07:13:59 am »
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Re: The Trumphog has seen its shadow
« Reply #139 on: August 04, 2016, 08:01:12 am »
Oh CNN how have thou fallen...

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Re: The Trumphog has seen its shadow
« Reply #140 on: August 04, 2016, 08:36:34 am »
Oh CNN how have thou fallen...

I mean it was already confirmed that CNN was bribed by the democrats (amongst other media), so those articles are no surprise

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Re: The Trumphog has seen its shadow
« Reply #142 on: August 04, 2016, 01:26:05 pm »
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I've read like 2-3 articles on Trump and the "Gold Star Muslim family" affair, and so far I've read no quotes of what Trump actually said that was so poorly received, like wtf? I'm getting reminiscent of left-leaning articles on why Milo was banned from Twitter where there was no actual quote or argument to directly justify it, just after the act stuff.

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Re: The Trumphog has seen its shadow
« Reply #143 on: August 04, 2016, 01:45:57 pm »
I mean it was already confirmed that CNN was bribed by the democrats (amongst other media), so those articles are no surprise

Who cares? All I see is Donal's name everywhere. No such thing as bad publicity, not in this fucked up world. He'll win it by a landslide.

I'm getting reminiscent of left-leaning articles on why Milo was banned from Twitter where there was no actual quote or argument to directly justify it, just after the act stuff.

Milo was banned for being an idiot, which should be no surprise because he's fucking college dropout who's trying to earn some cash on Internet by spewing shit. I do that for free so he can go right fuck himself, bleached Greek moron.

Twitter in its entirety is cancerous growth, but market has recognized that and is applying chemotherapy as we speak. That company/service shall be no more in few years. I take pride in never opening account there because it has proven to be, by far the most retarded social network of all and I'm basing those accusation on quality of people Twitter attracts. Can't wait the day those wankers wont be able to share two-sentence shit concealed as wisdom anymore.

Things are actually going in better direction on the Internet. No one gives a fuck about Facebook anymore, Twitter is going down, reddit is finally seen as shit it really is by majority of users, media like gawker are going out of business, folks realize that vice is fake as fuck, kickstarter is failing, youtube celebrities are caught in criminal activities, only retarded children still care about chans, gags and other moron gathering places. Last but not the least, this stupid mod and forum are dying off. Much revelations, truth coming in peoples minds and hearts, hopefully won't be as susceptible to bullshit propaganda as before. That is always good.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2016, 02:01:28 pm by Leshma »

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Re: The Trumphog has seen its shadow
« Reply #144 on: August 04, 2016, 02:12:07 pm »
Who cares? All I see is Donal's name everywhere. No such thing as bad publicity, not in this fucked up world. He'll win it by a landslide.

Milo was banned for being an idiot, which should be no surprise because he's fucking college dropout who's trying to earn some cash on Internet by spewing shit. I do that for free so he can go right fuck himself, bleached Greek moron.

Twitter in its entirety is cancerous growth, but market has recognized that and is applying chemotherapy as we speak. That company/service shall be no more in few years. I take pride in never opening account there because it has proven to be, by far the most retarded social network of all and I'm basing those accusation on quality of people Twitter attracts. Can't wait the day those wankers wont be able to share two-sentence shit concealed as wisdom anymore.

Things are actually going in better direction on the Internet. No one gives a fuck about Facebook anymore, Twitter is going down, reddit is finally seen as shit it really is by majority of users, media like gawker are going out of business, folks realize that vice is fake as fuck, kickstarter is failing, youtube celebrities are caught in criminal activities, only retarded children still care about chans, gags and other moron gathering places. Last but not the least, this stupid mod and forum are dying off. Much revelations, truth coming in peoples minds and hearts, hopefully won't be as susceptible to bullshit propaganda as before. That is always good.
Oh, but there's one thing missing from this vision of bliss: a certain Leshma no longer making such cringeworthy posts.

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Re: The Trumphog has seen its shadow
« Reply #145 on: August 04, 2016, 02:33:02 pm »
As far as I understand it the only reason profit forecasts/valuations for sites such as Facebook/Twitter are falling (which were massively over inflated because of the tech bubble bullshit) is because the rate of new users signing up is falling. Which is inevitable considering the limited population of the earth.

A better indicator would be if regular users were falling but I've not seen much about that.

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Re: The Trumphog has seen its shadow
« Reply #146 on: August 04, 2016, 03:47:44 pm »
Yeah I dont think that there is going to be huge social media falling out of business anytime soon. What I'm seeing from here is that some are getting more regulated and/or politically biased, so their membership are going to be more and more homogeneous and potentially a bit smaller too. Nothing to stop them from being influential, still big, and making tons of money.

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Re: The Trumphog has seen its shadow
« Reply #147 on: August 04, 2016, 05:07:20 pm »
Twitter aren't influential, they are annoying. Also favorite place for feminist, sjw, misogynist and other scum. The likes of Milo should cling hard to twitter, because there is no way in hell he would amount to anything in the real world. Sadly, Internet is full of losers turned prophets. In before you claim that I'm the same, jokes on you. I type shit but have no following of losers backing me up. That's the difference, schmucks.

Oh, but there's one thing missing from this vision of bliss: a certain Leshma no longer making such cringeworthy posts.

You know when you buy something and get a pack of gums? Not having to read my crap is same kind of freebie. Will happen soon, donchawory about it.

Edit: There's an interview with Markus Persson, famous Internet person, twitter abuser and glorified game developer, on Rock, Paper, Shotgun. You should read it. He's talking about himself, how awesome he is, how he bought a house on Beverly Hills and what he's doing with absurd sum of money he received for selling Minecraft. That's your twitter prophet right there. Please read. Then come back and tell me how awesome he is. I called him an asshole ages ago.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2016, 05:13:39 pm by Leshma »

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Re: The Trumphog has seen its shadow
« Reply #148 on: August 04, 2016, 05:20:40 pm »
Pretty much everyone is an arsehole. If you can make money from being an arsehole then why not?

Twitter clearly has you wound up but there's no need to be part of it. It's quite easy to ignore. Why does it matter what other people are doing if it's harmless and you're no part of it?

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Re: The Trumphog has seen its shadow
« Reply #149 on: August 04, 2016, 06:39:42 pm »
I've read like 2-3 articles on Trump and the "Gold Star Muslim family" affair, and so far I've read no quotes of what Trump actually said that was so poorly received, like wtf? I'm getting reminiscent of left-leaning articles on why Milo was banned from Twitter where there was no actual quote or argument to directly justify it, just after the act stuff.

best counter article i've seen:
Khan Son dies in Iraq (Voted by Hillary) and becomes a "hero" cause he died due to Hillary Vote.
10 Years later, Hillary says GTFO and lets ignore my vote and 10 years of dead.

So, if anything, he should be bitter at Hillary for making his Son have a higher likelyhood of death, and then spat in the faces of all the Iraq Vets as SoS.

But...this doesn't fit the politcal status quo that Dems want. In addtion, Khazir Khan(the dad) is a proud Wahhabi Supporters and gratefully supports Sharia in other islamic Countries.
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