Hahaha holy shit I had completely missed the Pandor ban drama, read through a couple of threads concerning it, so much shadenfreude keks. I confirm though that this bundle of sticksry had been around since long before, as, again, many players had been ranting against it since it was first exposed, when the forums were still on Taleworlds site. I can understand why Pandor thought that this was not a bannable offense since no one had ever gotten banned for it before, despite screenshot and video proof. His arrogance and pride in his cheats was not entirely his fault, in the case of modifying these files for advantage it had always been indirectly condoned by admins and devs, or at least considered as a necessary evil. The ban on Pandor is arbitrary when you keep the past history of this issue in mind. If anything he was at least honest about it, unlike some other cheating bundle of stickss I could name.