Author Topic: Unban everyone banned in Northern Empire v. BRD strat fight  (Read 5833 times)

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Re: Unban everyone banned in Northern Empire v. BRD strat fight
« Reply #15 on: April 15, 2016, 02:26:00 pm »
As an admin, I strongly feel the punishment doesn't fit the crime. Chat abuse is such a broad topic and people saying the n-word, just straight up typing it, unless someone complains in I-Chat, what're you gonna do? It's the internet. As long as it's not directed at someone or used in a completely racist statement/sentiment, is it really worth banning over? I don't think so. The mod has so few people as it is, you've got to be slightly more lenient especially when it comes to words people type. I think lessening it to two days is more in line with what I was thinking. Even though I probably just would've kicked for an hour and made them miss that sweet strat xp.

On the flip side of this, you nerds saw people getting banned but had to be so fucking edgy and go to the extreme. Typical internet heroes. I thought more of you all until this happened. Now I see you are sheep easily guided by the one that bleats the loudest. RIP and enjoy your bans.

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Re: Unban everyone banned in Northern Empire v. BRD strat fight
« Reply #16 on: April 15, 2016, 03:28:08 pm »
Blacks got no oscar this year, lets ban everyone who said the n-word   :idea: :lol:

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Re: Unban everyone banned in Northern Empire v. BRD strat fight
« Reply #17 on: April 15, 2016, 05:10:10 pm »
McMasshole: 15 recent bans on record: 180 hours, 4 repeating offenses, 4 days. on top of 15 days for participation in mob-like behavior at high warning level. Total ban time: 26 days and 12 hours. Conditional Statement regarding your next ban; 15 RECENT bans is ridiculous if you break the rules in the next 4 months after your ban expires you will receive a 53-day ban.

26.5 day ban? You pussy, real men round up.
McDeath: This guy doesn't shut his lip, but he's one of the funniest players in-game.

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Re: Unban everyone banned in Northern Empire v. BRD strat fight
« Reply #18 on: April 15, 2016, 06:35:01 pm »
How many people actually came forward and said i dont like the crpg community anymore for trolling the n word? OR said i dont want to play because people saying bad words?

im thinking 0

actually odds are BY bannning people THEY are more unlikely to come back to crpg THAN the people who see the n word being dropped.

i personally dont care if you ban me for a year at this rate. the mod is practically dead

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Re: Unban everyone banned in Northern Empire v. BRD strat fight
« Reply #19 on: April 15, 2016, 06:41:28 pm »
I think that rule should be scratched.

Admins ought to enforce the rules, so even if the length of those bans was too long in my opinion, it is the fault of whoever did not scratch it yet.

It might have been reasonable when there were more people, but nowadays everyone of us does not care much. And those 1 or 2 people can mute the individual offending them.
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Re: Unban everyone banned in Northern Empire v. BRD strat fight
« Reply #20 on: April 15, 2016, 06:44:39 pm »
Uh, McDeath has Tourette syndrome.

It would be nice if we as a community could accept him for who he is.
Maybe you are not bad, but you are a boring person. Well, that's the end of the matter.

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Re: Unban everyone banned in Northern Empire v. BRD strat fight
« Reply #21 on: April 15, 2016, 07:08:31 pm »
Couldnt we use the impersonation rules on verbal offense? Namely, need someone to complain about it before taking action. As stickher said I dont think many in our small community are afraid of words nor are downright bigots, those that are are properly cared for by the admins.

I was not here so maybe someone did complain about it, then admin stepped up, but if not I feel this situation is a just unnecessary mess and will damage NA community.
Good call that the bans were lowered, the initial duration was pretty crazy whether or not you take into account "past ban history".

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Re: Unban everyone banned in Northern Empire v. BRD strat fight
« Reply #22 on: April 15, 2016, 07:23:03 pm »
Against my better judgement I will leave a comment in this thread.

Did you guys ever stop to think that your bans are not because you used the N-word? You blatantly provoked and ignored an admin who told you not to use that word anymore. Of course non of us really give a fuck about the word being used. I highly doubt that Desire even cares. She saw a breaking of the rules and told you guys to stop using it. I wasn't there, maybe she banned the first guy without warning, maybe not. The rest of the bans happened because you guys had no respect for the authority of this mod and quite honestly, you got off easy with a 2 day ban for everyone. Desire was just doing her job and you guys provoked her into banning you all. Admins are just players like us, they don't undergo special training to strengthen their minds against disrespectful behavior towards them. You pushed her and you got what you probably expected to get. Using the "mod is ded" argument does not justify breaking the rules.

Edit: wow, look what happens when you write "mod is ded" with dead  :lol:
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Re: Unban everyone banned in Northern Empire v. BRD strat fight
« Reply #23 on: April 15, 2016, 07:43:37 pm »
I can only imagine the conversations over Thanksgiving dinner.

Uncle Bob: So Desire, I hear you are the head admin of a video game, that sounds like a big responsibility.
Desire: Yea, I guess so, it's not so bad.
Uncle Bob: What type of game is it?  I think your mom said it was medieval or something.
Desire: Well, Bob, it's mostly a game about saying "friend" as many times as you can and trying to get away with it, the medieval part is secondary.

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Re: Unban everyone banned in Northern Empire v. BRD strat fight
« Reply #24 on: April 15, 2016, 07:46:06 pm »
Against my better judgement I will leave a comment in this thread.

Did you guys ever stop to think that your bans are not because you used the N-word? You blatantly provoked and ignored an admin who told you not to use that word anymore. Of course non of us really give a fuck about the word being used. I highly doubt that Desire even cares. She saw a breaking of the rules and told you guys to stop using it. I wasn't there, maybe she banned the first guy without warning, maybe not. The rest of the bans happened because you guys had no respect for the authority of this mod and quite honestly, you got off easy with a 2 day ban for everyone. Desire was just doing her job and you guys provoked her into banning you all. Admins are just players like us, they don't undergo special training to strengthen their minds against disrespectful behavior towards them. You pushed her and you got what you probably expected to get. Using the "mod is ded" argument does not justify breaking the rules.

Edit: wow, look what happens when you write "mod is ded" with dead  :lol:

Finally someone understands!

So 29 lines of the n word found in logs.... Must of been a busy day at work for the trolls.

I also approve of Nightingle's next punishment.

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Re: Unban everyone banned in Northern Empire v. BRD strat fight
« Reply #25 on: April 15, 2016, 07:52:41 pm »
Holy crap this is hilarious
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Re: Unban everyone banned in Northern Empire v. BRD strat fight
« Reply #26 on: April 15, 2016, 07:57:17 pm »
Is it in the "Admin Rule Book" that you mute 2 people, then ramp it up to 7 days, then after that 30 days, then 3 months.. and then a year?

Just wondering.
Arowaine: probably cause i told dupre he is a piss of shit

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Re: Unban everyone banned in Northern Empire v. BRD strat fight
« Reply #27 on: April 15, 2016, 08:06:09 pm »
it's a damn shame i can't play 5 person NA crpg for a couple days. Justice has been served

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Re: Unban everyone banned in Northern Empire v. BRD strat fight
« Reply #28 on: April 16, 2016, 02:54:27 am »
30 day bans for typing "friend" in chat is borderline retarded.
Ban for 3 days or so at most on a first offense for mob behavior. I'd push it to a week max if this were a common thing for certain players.

Desire, I urge you to severely reduce the ban times.
I do understand the frustration, but you have to balance out the consequences of banning half the mod's population for a month with the (relatively non-existent) consequences of people typing bad words in chat.

This is only going to cause the mod's dwindling population to drop further as a fair number of people were banned, and their friends may be less inclined to play without them, too.
Desire, Dupre, you both know better. Turn 'em around.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2016, 03:03:43 am by Jeade »
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