In the rare occasions that my nigga Panos posts seriously on the touchy subjects of t*rks, he's said that he doesn't at all have a problem with Turks as a group in real life.
He's just doing his thing to have fun. It's how he has fun, and I'll tell you right now that he's having MUCH MORE fun with you having a proper meltdown about this. You know, he's just being Panos. I mean fuck, I'm a heterosexual male IRL and I have said some REALLY fucking gay shit. I formed a rather sizable clan known primarily for aggressive racist frenchmanry.
It's all in good fun. It's like...satirical RPings, you know?
But in any case, I would always take Panos' side in any argument, remaining confident that he is in the right. Dude's hilarious and a good fella. Great times in strat 4 when he would show up for our large, important battles.