Author Topic: Women's right to vote...  (Read 5327 times)

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Re: Women's right to vote...
« Reply #15 on: April 01, 2016, 08:02:07 pm »
Better go back to the 1600s before our civilization falls.

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It's exactly that which might happen if we continue this beta-cuck-luvthemall attitude.

The specific date I had in mind was:
11 September 1683, Siege at Vienna.
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I'll be less confrontational for the rest of this post to round it off:

I've grown up in the borderlands between "cultural enrichers" and the average normal middle class swedes(aka. beta-cuck-multiculturalist-racistophobic guiltmongerers)

10-15 years ago I started seeing some minor cultural clashes, they are all anecdotal(thus invalid for scientific purposes, but not political guilt or fear mongering according to the accepted political parties in Sweden)

My mother lives in this city, and so does many other mothers, sisters, wives and daughters:

There are no-go zones for police in Sweden...

To make this absolutley clear:
I do not hate anyone for being an immigrant.
I do not hate anyone for being a Muslim.
I do not hate anyone for having a different culture.

What I hate is:
Those who do not respect our native culture.
Those who act criminally.
Those traitors within our government/institutions that uses the argument: "They are from a different culture therefore it is more of an "innocent misunderstanding" than a criminal act when they sexually assault people"

All I want is some backbone, and honest respect for the western values our ancestor has fought and died for.

All of this is just emotional national/civilizational-romanticism, so I'll give some facts:

I think this clip is a bit too alarmist/shocking in its presentation, but the subject is an important one.
This clip is: 13:42 long

Because Demography(age and gender) is not taken in to account when allowing different immigrants we(Sweden and Germany mostly) are importing a distorted version of another culture.
For example: Men between 20-35 are overrepresented, men between 20-35 are not only immigrants, they have abandoned their families and deserted their tribe/nation if we judge them by their own culture. Of course this generalization does not apply to all of them, but "only" most of them.
According to some data: Cultural, ancestral and genetically German men aged 20-35 wil be make up less than half of the population in their demographic category by 2020. This is only a problem if you have a fixed idea about what a German is, you know like: German behavior, appearance and cultural practices.

Personally I don't give a shit about the cultural/ethnic/"racial"/religious aspects of being: Swedish or German etc.
What I care about is: The ideology that piggy backs on religious and cultural practices, my problem is the invasion of values that are not compatible with, even antithetical to, western values.

Anecdote(thus only usable in populist argument not as "fact"): Swedes take western values for granted, we do not realise that these values are a part of our cultural and (non-)religious practices. It is obvious to me that fewer and fewer swedish citizen will have these values as our segregated communites produce new citizen that has not had our cultural and (non-)religious  upbringing.

For me the solution is very controversial: Early childhood mandatory education in western values, which at first glance will look like indoctrination, inf act it will be indoctrination of you take a second, third.... 50th glance at it... but the main point is the teaching on how to think/act in our society, not dogmatically enforce what to think or how to act.

To bring this back to the topic:
In general:
Women want a strong fair inclusive all-loving state as a surrogate Beta-"Dad" that will protect them loyally until that 50 shades of grey alpha just comes and take them.

Men want women, and also wants to be the best man around. Civilization is awesome in making some beta-male qualities in to virtues. Which makes us able to build a particle accelerators and go to the moon rather than spend that time on trying to break into the prime-alpha's harem.

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Re: Women's right to vote...
« Reply #16 on: April 01, 2016, 09:04:48 pm »
Okay, I can see your emotional investment.

But you gotta give me a more coherent argument than "beta cuck, China strong alpha" 4chan level thinking for why we should go back on the emancipation of women to be taken even halfway seriously.

It's thought to be one of those key factors that allowed western society to rise much faster than the Islamic ones, for christsake. Allowing half of the population to contribute in economic production, the sciences and so on.
Frankly, I'm amazed I even have to talk about this.

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Re: Women's right to vote...
« Reply #17 on: April 01, 2016, 09:11:01 pm »
I like the line of thought.
to protect "western" society and values we have to eradicate one of their key features.
that always makes me gringe.
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Re: Women's right to vote...
« Reply #18 on: April 01, 2016, 09:17:23 pm »
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Offline Admerius

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Re: Women's right to vote...
« Reply #19 on: April 01, 2016, 11:08:53 pm »
I'm talking about the right to vote specifically

Maybe it doesn't have to be all voting rights.
For example:
We have three elections in Sweden:
and National(Government)

Women should be able to vote at the Municipality and County level, but not the National level.

Here's a rough draft of the ideas I'm toying with.
(click to show/hide)

I like the line of thought.
to protect "western" society and values we have to eradicate one of their key features.
that always makes me gringe.

How do you protect you child/younger sibling in this situation: He/she is next to you and about to run out in the street in front of a truck? You have 0,5 seconds to do something.

1. Do you tell them softly to look out, and try to reason with them to not do it?
2. Do you yell something, which is a micro aggression and should be considered child abuse?
3. You wouldn't grab them and rob them of their freedom of movement would you?
That's not only a micro aggression, it will traumatize the kid and make him believe might makes right and that grabbing and holding someone like that can be done without an apparent reason.
4. Turn around and go home to play crpg not giving a shit.

The state of Sweden is bad, I dread the summer festivals/parties and all the stuff that will happen.

Ultrakil this is for you listen to this youtube clip while reading this link

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Re: Women's right to vote...
« Reply #20 on: April 01, 2016, 11:32:26 pm »
All I want is some backbone, and honest respect for the western values our ancestor has fought and died for.

well said, but how does that notion go hand in hand with the gay ass vid in your first post? 

(didnt read the whole thread cause meh)
Yes, I know from whence I came! Discontented as a flame, Upon myself I live and glow. All I grasp like lightning flashes, All I leave behind is ashes
Flame I am - that much I know!

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Re: Women's right to vote...
« Reply #21 on: April 01, 2016, 11:34:37 pm »
Oh the retard Admerius is Swedish? what a surprise. Maybe if you're going to spout ignorant backwards opinions and play it off as a defence of "western civilization" you should come from a country that hasn't been irrelevant for the past hundreds of years of modern history.

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Re: Women's right to vote...
« Reply #22 on: April 01, 2016, 11:47:45 pm »
the fuck am I reading are you serious? shieet

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Re: Women's right to vote...
« Reply #23 on: April 02, 2016, 12:00:27 am »
I'm talking about the right to vote specifically

Women should be able to vote at the Municipality and County level, but not the National level.

How do you protect you child/younger sibling in this situation: He/she is next to you and about to run out in the street in front of a truck? You have 0,5 seconds to do something.

1. Do you tell them softly to look out, and try to reason with them to not do it?
2. Do you yell something, which is a micro aggression and should be considered child abuse?
3. You wouldn't grab them and rob them of their freedom of movement would you?
That's not only a micro aggression, it will traumatize the kid and make him believe might makes right and that grabbing and holding someone like that can be done without an apparent reason.
4. Turn around and go home to play crpg not giving a shit.

Ultrakil this is for you listen to this youtube clip while reading this link
How do you jump from green to arange? is this completely out of context or are you comparing women with children?

and how on earth do you jump from there to an article about rape under ISIS?
Do you know something about the ISIS? Women have no election right in the islamic state. So one of your key political ideas is closer to ISIS than to western values. congrats.
and your article about rape under ISIS.... you know that sexual abuse is much more common in countries where woman have a lower social status and less rights? I really don't think I would serve my imaginary daughter well if I give all men the right to rule over her(by voting) and she only has to endure whatever is coming.
Go show some balls and visit your mom. have a cup of coffee with her and tell her you think she should give up her right to vote.
and please let me know how that went.
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Re: Women's right to vote...
« Reply #24 on: April 02, 2016, 12:19:43 am »
Oh the retard Admerius is Swedish? what a surprise. Maybe if you're going to spout ignorant backwards opinions and play it off as a defence of "western civilization" you should come from a country that hasn't been irrelevant for the past hundreds of years of modern history.

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Re: Women's right to vote...
« Reply #25 on: April 02, 2016, 12:21:14 am »
Women are defenseless like children, and not expected to be able to protect themselves, so it's a good comparison.
Meaning lies as much
in the mind of the reader
as in the Haiku.

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Re: Women's right to vote...
« Reply #26 on: April 02, 2016, 12:29:32 am »
I'm talking about the right to vote specifically

Yes, but such things don't go alone, not outside the simplest of thought experiments concerning societal interaction. If someone in an academic setting said that let's take away the voting rights of group X, and that taking those voting rights away would not affect group X's position in society in any way, they'd be laughed right out of the room.

Maybe it doesn't have to be all voting rights.
For example:
We have three elections in Sweden:
and National(Government)

Women should be able to vote at the Municipality and County level, but not the National level.

I guess that leaves them with something to do at least.

Here's a rough draft of the ideas I'm toying with.
(click to show/hide)

These are ideas to be sure, but you left out how each of these would actually result in a societal good or improve the current situation or are simply morally important. Only here:

-Cultural view of Abortion/contraception needs to be addressed. The childbirths are plummeting and all this free sexuality is all very nice and fun ...and just wonderful. However it will spell the end for the sexually liberated society, The sexually repressed baby machines doesn't won't be that eager to perpetuate this sexual-liberty view.
Examples on solution would be: Base contraception abortion prizes on income and age:
Example on age categories:
Free for 15-16 or younger.
Very low base prize up until 18th birthday.
Prize increases until age 25 then stabilizes
Women should be encouraged to sterilization after the age of 35.
How to finance it all: Taxation on all fertile individuals.

You argued that: State power should be used to have our women breed more. And this would combat the Muslim threat. Unless I'm mistaken.

But the sterilization at 35 kinda fights against this. And the forced contraceptives for any woman in office.

And divorces should be difficult, because marriage is a commitment, except free divorces from women over 35?


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Re: Women's right to vote...
« Reply #27 on: April 02, 2016, 12:39:54 am »
Is it me or are the politithreads in this forum getting more extreme over time?

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Re: Women's right to vote...
« Reply #28 on: April 02, 2016, 12:44:41 am »
I guess all sane people left this forum long ago.
so what is left are morons and idiots each enjoying the stupidity of the other.
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Re: Women's right to vote...
« Reply #29 on: April 02, 2016, 12:55:00 am »
I guess all sane people left this forum long ago.
so what is left are morons and idiots each enjoying the stupidity of the other.

Thinking of leaving too TBH, at least all the political threads  :lol:
I like to debate but some shit is hard to get behind.