Today I received a courier from King James.
He saw two dwarfs armies march to Kelderan , King James' Castle
So I asked Heskeytime what was his intention.
Apparently King James , during one of his famous pastimes, Being Drunk, Declared war on the Dwarfs.
After hearing this charge , I decided to pay one 's own on the case as a detective and look for what King James all said to the Dwarfs.
I found nothing, only a butthurted dwarf.
So, because mine English is not so good, I will use some video's.
This will be mine reply to Heskeytime
All the troops are prepared to go to war.
We will fight for our honor
The Dwarfs have 24 houres the time to leave from Our lands and find a peacefull diplomatic solution, otherwise We go to War.!?page=strategusinfobattledetail&id=984