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If you want more glancing and more high power hits, then you need to change the armor soak values that were fiddled with way back when. But, as i remember, the change was needed and made the game much more enjoyable.
Compensating for wide crosshairs requires skill; shooting with pinpoint accurate ranged weapons does not. Landing a headshot into a 20 pixel head is harder with a 30 pixel crosshair than with a 1 pixel crosshair, and it doesn't come down to luck. If you center your 30 pixels into the 20 pixels, chances are you'll hit. If you aim at the top left edge of the earlobe with your 1 pixel, you'll still hit although you technically didn't aim at the center of the head.
the turn nerf is a good example of what happens when middle of the road players are used to make balance decisions, literally no top 10% player though it was a good idea but cmp and paul completely ignored them because they were bottom of the scoreboard trashcans who kept losing 1v1s to people with pikes and decided that wasn't right, and nevermind that it fucked melee up big time.
I'm actually very much in favour of reverting to more nativenesque soak and reduce armour values. Back in the day the change was made because of the high damage randomness and thus glancing randomness. I wanted to make the game more deterministic and thus - imho - more skillbased because back then even a decent hit with a weaker weapon could bounce off plate because of a bad dice roll. With WSE2 cmp managed to reduce or even remove randomness completely (don't remember) so glancing would be one's own fault most of the time. I think reverting the values would make plate great again.
1. Add delay for voice commands.2. Add delay for switching weapons/primary and secondary attack.3. Buff shields in hp and forcefield, 180° protection from the front with 4 shieldskill points. And vs jump thrower exploiters.4. Nerf headshot bonuses, main reasons range classes are still op. More Headshots with helps like that from Pandor are possible, so nerf. Make low damage arrows bounce off heavy armor. Look steel plate protect better than wooden shield or maybe we should make tanks from wood? 5. Make pike/longspear/bamboo not able to block, reduce damage to heavy armor.6. Reduce damage from small blunt weapons like stones, wooden stick/staff.Blunt damage: low weight of weapon = low damage or none.High weight of weapon = slow and unbalanced7. Nerf melee damage from throwing weapons.8. Add better rewards for mercenary in strat like more xp, gold and silver.9. Give Characters under level 37 more xp gain to be able to reach the try hards.10. Nerf speedbonus (agi whores make team split and turnrate to pstop macro dpi abusers).Harry up or someone may leave the mod
he, the god admin. drink the tea, not ascared to fight in th batefield,
Well, my grammatically impaired friend from buttcountry, a soak increase would also mean a reduce decrease so overall damage would stay the same if done correctly. There would just be more glances depending on movement skill, holds and sweet spotting. No need to be afraid though. I'm not active anymore as a dev so I'm just stating my preferences.
Puck-headed maple-sucking moosefucker
dear shit no brain bot, aka no brain NA(b) plz dont teach me how to play pure heavy inf, lol kurwa this this bot hahhahahaa lol x1 team :_))))))))))))))) buahahahhaha this fucking bot is talking about how to glance vs tincan and about meleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee heavy inffffffffffffff, buahahhaahhahahaahaha and teaching about movement on tincan hahhahahahhahahaahahahaahhah kurwa sorry son too much cocain today,son plz teach me about glancing in crpg +60armor hahahahahahaha o kurwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa : buahahhahhaha lolololol im talking about how full plate (pure fucking plate not NA(b) plate)is waaaaaaay OP in combat scenario and in teamplay screnario is a major factor how to win a round (like a said one nab from Na (Tydeus) now this bot Paul whant to fucking balance things top kurwa kek yeeeessssss buffffff more heavy plate u dumb fuck!!!! )
We also are going to buff rock throwers and peasant weapons. This game needs more fuckery.
I learn something new every day. I had no idea Paul moved to NA so welcome to NA fuckery Paul.I'm pretty sure (NA) Rico and I have decided to increase reloading time on xbows and half their dmg while doubling archer dmg and halfing their accuracy. This is fantastic. We also are going to buff rock throwers and peasant weapons. This game needs more fuckery.
an inbuilt option to give a global free respec and a global free heirloom exchange are planned but we must see how we get there