Ok time to be serious now. If anyone actually was offended by what I said then I apologize. I didn't think Yankee (not the baseball team) was an offensive word and if it is then please accept this ignorant foreigners lack of understanding.
A word could become racist, depends on the sentence, example of what we saw tonight (all in Caps ofc) :
Fuck the yankees
Go home yankees
Go eat at McDonald
my favourite one : fuck yourself in a corner (not racist but)
This is not a big big deal, but the general atmosphere was very american hatefull, or just hatefull, this is just a fuckin game, no need to hate in chat or forum, we are here to PLAY at killing each other.
Mercs are arrogant (and that's what makes the Mercs) but i remember that the Mercenaries were respectful of their enemies.
So i'm out, we are on the clan thread and there is an existing thread about the battle to troll.