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Author Topic: Unban Essay - The difference between fooling around and disrupting/griefing  (Read 23822 times)

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Yes, I know from whence I came! Discontented as a flame, Upon myself I live and glow. All I grasp like lightning flashes, All I leave behind is ashes
Flame I am - that much I know!

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It's only a game. We didn't always have these zealous admins if you think back and we still enjoyed the game.

Thomek, Mustikki, Muffin... are you fucking kidding me? xD
True on one thing, they wouldn't have bothered with giving you another essay ban but just perma your ass after 2 minutes IRC chat.
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Offline BlindGuy

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Bjord is an ass. But not a BAD guy. Xesta is a teenager. Who knows why he does what he does. Hormones probably. He is a very angry little dude.

But this essay, I can't give it more than 5/7 I'm afraid. THIS is how you get unbanned; (Note this user was later Permabanned for unrelated issues.)
I don't know enough

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Offline Bjord

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Bjord is an ass. But not a BAD guy. Xesta is a teenager. Who knows why he does what he does. Hormones probably. He is a very angry little dude.

But this essay, I can't give it more than 5/7 I'm afraid. THIS is how you get unbanned; (Note this user was later Permabanned for unrelated issues.)

Yeah it was half-assed but the point has been iterated many times, it wasn't a fair decision and I stand by that.
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To be honest, 95% of the C-RPG player base act like little kids, so it's actually quite reasonable for them to treat you and others like children when they haven't learned to fucking listen.

Screaming at you doesn't work, so forcing you to write a long essay might just fix that. It's a more than reasonable assumption, not calling you a kid Bjord, but if you didn't listen to the past 5000000000 bans they handed out why the fuck would you listen now lol. At least now there's an actual long ass thread discussing about this (whether you agree with it or not) it goes to show that this essay has forced you to not just think "oh look another ban i don't fucking give a shit" and actually DO something.

Edit: Just thought of a quote that would fit perfectly: "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Albert Einstein backs up my thoughts almost perfectly, you shouldn't expect the admins to do one thing and one thing alone, slapping a person with a ban every time DOESN'T work, nor does letting people off with a warning. So what's the option left to us? Unique punishment.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2016, 02:48:05 am by Yeldur »
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he,  the god admin.  drink the tea, not ascared to  fight in th  batefield,

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LOL blackbow asked what xesta meant by "idgaf" and xesta thought he meant that he doesnt give a fuck  :lol: :lol:

Offline Uther Pendragon

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... I was just told that if I don't like the way admins handle their business I'm free to walk.
The ban prior to this one was withdrawn because the decision making ability of Austriano was found to be unreasonable, but that fact was completely ignored by both Uther and Rico, whom continuously bring up my ban record, of which the vast majority are more than two years old.

That's what I mean by ZEALOTRY.

Fucking reptiles.

No Bjord, that's called being consistent. If we wouldn't take the ban history into account, it would be, to put it lightly, dumb.

(click to show/hide)

Plumbo, we don't give out essays because we enjoy it, we do it because we are giving the banned guy a chance to redeem himself. It's done for the record. If he gets banned 15 times and gets an essay, that should be the sign of a last chance for him - change your ways and stop breaking the rules, and you're fine to go. Write an essay like this one, and it's clear what will happen. Trust me, it's rarely a pleasure to ban someone permanently, but there must be a line.

lol you only get essay/permabanned if admins have a personal dislike of you.

Havelle, go back to your land of memes and gobblins

Regarding the essay:

You completely missed the topic and instead of owning up to your misdeeds, you talked shit and pointed fingers at the others, which is almost completely the opposite of what I asked of you. We chatted before you wrote it, and we talked both about your bans and how some admins tend to be a bit too harsh, but you apparently only cared about the admin part, which makes me sad.

It's not a matter of whether you're a griefer or a chat abuser, if you pile up enough bans, you will always meet the same fate. That is how it works, just and equal treatment. Dislike or like has no part in this, the essay was discussed and after our talk, I made it slightly less strict, yet still you admitted to not changing your ways and instead you said "It's their fault, they're too strict!" - This is not how any of it works.

Instead you turned your essay into some defence argument, which was pointless.

At the time of writing this reply, 38 (57.6%) of votes in the poll rated your essay below average, majority of them 1/5.

Just for the record, let me sum up your ban history here:

21.05.2012 - 5 hour ban for other reasons.
07.06.2012 - 2 day ban for teamwounding, unbanned earlier (after ~2 hours).
15.06.2012 - 5 hour ban for insulting (Kinngrimm case).
18.06.2012 - 1 hour ban for other reasons, shortened to 1 minute.

Plenty of warnings, you would've thought it would help him learn to follow the rules.

05.10.2012 - Essay ban for griefing and harrasment, unbanned 11 days later.
[Here were 2 overrulled short bans for harassment, 3rd one being final]
[1,2] 14.01.2013 - First 2 bans, different hours, for 12 hours and 12 months, both overruled shortly after being set.
[3] 15.01.2013 - 10 month ban due to last one being essay, unbanned on 07.07.2013
And now, recent history.

10.11.2015 - 3 day ban for teamkilling link
18.11.2015 - 1 hour ban for teamkilling
21.11.2015 - 2 day ban for exploiting link
20.02.2016 - 1 hour ban for teamkilling
22.02.2016 - 1 day ban for teamkilling, unbanned after 3 hours due to appeal. (The Austriano ban)

And the current ban, from 27.02.2016.

Here is our chat we had a few days ago, I hope you don't mind me posting it - nothing incriminating, just my perspective and arguments from both sides: 1 and 2

So there are two truths that can be said in the end here.

You need a long time to learn apparently. Which is why you will remain banned for approximately 3 months. I'll try and remember to unban you in time.
And if you screw up again after that... Well, next true thing - putting up another ban is only a matter of seconds :lol:

Edit: fixed beloved to below, otherwise I'd be charged for favouritism
« Last Edit: March 10, 2016, 12:12:49 am by Uther Pendragon »
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Offline Falka

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to get people to write a bunch of BS for your amusement.

But that's the whole point, isn't it? We want to be entertained.

And if you think essay ban was wrong and unjustified, think about Bjord for a moment. Think about how much of a ..... he is. Think about how angry this made him. Still think it was the wrong decision? I thought not  :wink:
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LOL blackbow asked what xesta meant by "idgaf" and xesta thought he meant that he doesnt give a fuck  :lol: :lol:

Quote from: bundle of sticks
Blackbow pretending to be afk even tho other people approve that amox_cancer was on a th spree  he just responded with "idgaf", he is such a f**** biased admin

 :lol: :lol: :lol:
I hope you die IRL. What kind of fucking build is that?!
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Offline Gmnotutoo

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My opinion is permabans should be given to auto-blockers, texture exploiters, macro-users and people who harass others outside of the community (irl, facebook, etc). Sometimes there is unique situations, but those are extremely rare.

I'm NA, but even the limited contact I've had with Bjord I've learned that the guy is a prick. There are other punishments that could work well in situations which I call the Ass-hole tax. Make those with large ban histories have to donate 2-5 euros/dollars to the servers whenever they step to far out of line or setup this fund to buy warband keys on steam during a sale to hand out to people to try to bring new blood in. Take away a million exp from their main for each infraction. Compounded bans (add up all the time they are banned and then ban them for that long) and then give the person the option to wait it out or write an unban essay to reduce their sentence.
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Offline Gurgumul

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Offline Molly

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My opinion is permabans should be given to auto-blockers, texture exploiters, macro-users and people who harass others outside of the community (irl, facebook, etc). Sometimes there is unique situations, but those are extremely rare.

I'm NA, but even the limited contact I've had with Bjord I've learned that the guy is a prick. There are other punishments that could work well in situations which I call the Ass-hole tax. Make those with large ban histories have to donate 2-5 euros/dollars to the servers whenever they step to far out of line or setup this fund to buy warband keys on steam during a sale to hand out to people to try to bring new blood in. Take away a million exp from their main for each infraction. Compounded bans (add up all the time they are banned and then ban them for that long) and then give the person the option to wait it out or write an unban essay to reduce their sentence.
I like your thinking:

One minor offense removes 500k exp
One ban'able offense removes 1 lvl

Interesting could be to alter the characters. Keeping the level but instead removing 1 strength point :lol:
When west germany annexed east germany, nobody moved a finger too.

Offline Kidduis

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I like your thinking:

One minor offense removes 500k exp
One ban'able offense removes 1 lvl

Interesting could be to alter the characters. Keeping the level but instead removing 1 strength point :lol:

So EVIL !!!
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Offline Jambi

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No Bjord, that's called being consistent. If we wouldn't take the ban history into account, it would be, to put it lightly, dumb.

Plumbo, we don't give out essays because we enjoy it, we do it because we are giving the banned guy a chance to redeem himself. It's done for the record. If he gets banned 15 times and gets an essay, that should be the sign of a last chance for him - change your ways and stop breaking the rules, and you're fine to go. Write an essay like this one, and it's clear what will happen. Trust me, it's rarely a pleasure to ban someone permanently, but there must be a line.

Havelle, go back to your land of memes and gobblins

Regarding the essay:

You completely missed the topic and instead of owning up to your misdeeds, you talked shit and pointed fingers at the others, which is almost completely the opposite of what I asked of you. We chatted before you wrote it, and we talked both about your bans and how some admins tend to be a bit too harsh, but you apparently only cared about the admin part, which makes me sad.

It's not a matter of whether you're a griefer or a chat abuser, if you pile up enough bans, you will always meet the same fate. That is how it works, just and equal treatment. Dislike or like has no part in this, the essay was discussed and after our talk, I made it slightly less strict, yet still you admitted to not changing your ways and instead you said "It's their fault, they're too strict!" - This is not how any of it works.

Instead you turned your essay into some defence argument, which was pointless.

At the time of writing this reply, 38 (57.6%) of votes in the poll rated your essay below average, majority of them 1/5.

Just for the record, let me sum up your ban history here:

21.05.2012 - 5 hour ban for other reasons.
07.06.2012 - 2 day ban for teamwounding, unbanned earlier (after ~2 hours).
15.06.2012 - 5 hour ban for insulting (Kinngrimm case).
18.06.2012 - 1 hour ban for other reasons, shortened to 1 minute.

Plenty of warnings, you would've thought it would help him learn to follow the rules.

05.10.2012 - Essay ban for griefing and harrasment, unbanned 11 days later.
[Here were 2 overrulled short bans for harassment, 3rd one being final]
[1,2] 14.01.2013 - First 2 bans, different hours, for 12 hours and 12 months, both overruled shortly after being set.
[3] 15.01.2013 - 10 month ban due to last one being essay, unbanned on 07.07.2013
And now, recent history.

10.11.2015 - 3 day ban for teamkilling link
18.11.2015 - 1 hour ban for teamkilling
21.11.2015 - 2 day ban for exploiting link
20.02.2016 - 1 hour ban for teamkilling
22.02.2016 - 1 day ban for teamkilling, unbanned after 3 hours due to appeal. (The Austriano ban)

And the current ban, from 27.02.2016.

Here is our chat we had a few days ago, I hope you don't mind me posting it - nothing incriminating, just my perspective and arguments from both sides: 1 and 2

So there are two truths that can be said in the end here.

You need a long time to learn apparently. Which is why you will remain banned for approximately 3 months. I'll try and remember to unban you in time.
And if you screw up again after that... Well, next true thing - putting up another ban is only a matter of seconds :lol:

Edit: fixed beloved to below, otherwise I'd be charged for favouritism

"You need a long time to learn apparently."

Some people need more time then others.
Does Bjord not bleed if you stab him, as yourself.
Does Bjord not feel hurt when his heart is broken, as yourself.
Does Bjord not feel bad when rejected, as yourself.
Does Bjord not make mistakes, as everyone else does.
Does Bjord not have cycles like every other girl has?

Every being should be given as much time as needed for them to learn and reach their goal.
Give Bjord more time, and he will learn... taking this huge part of his life (CRPG) away, and the lesson he learns thru this videogame, wouldnt make the world a better place! Only humanity and understanding can save this world!
Unban! and let him continue his way forward to enlightenment! and guide him whenever needed.
What if Bjord never returns, and finds a less cancerous community as this one to corrupt? What if he finds a community thats based on love and actual common sense, and corrupts it?
The gesture of him writing an essay... even tho its lacking, it does show that he is trying to learn, and wants to grow as a human being.
People please! Reflect upon my message.

« Last Edit: March 17, 2016, 06:54:08 pm by Jambi »
Love will tear us apart.
Also, most fucked up brain of the year award goes to jambi. Well done.


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"You need a long time to learn apparently."

Some people need more time then others.
Does Bjord not bleed if you stab him, as yourself.
Does Bjord not feel hurt when his heart is broken, as yourself.
Does Bjord not feel bad when rejected, as yourself.
Does Bjord not make mistakes, as everyone else does.
Does Bjord not have cycles like every other girl has?

Every being should be given as much time as needed for them to learn and reach their goal.
Give Bjord more time, and he will learn... taking this huge part of his life (CRPG) away, and the lesson he learns thru this videogame, wouldnt make the world a better place! Only humanity and understanding can save this world!
Unban! and let him continue his way forward to enlightenment! and guide him whenever needed.
What if Bjord never returns, and finds a less cancerous community as this one to corrupt? What if he finds a community thats based on love and actual common sense, and corrupts it?
The gesture of him writing an essay... even tho its lacking, it does show that he is trying to learn, and wants to grow as a human being.
People please! Reflect upon my message.

That song was played at the emergency support/memorial time after my childhood friend died in a traffic accident with his moped 7 years ago (about 18 hours after he got it as a birthday present).
Great memories. :)
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